Dry and oily dandruff: what it is, causes, symptoms, how to choose anti-dandruff shampoo and natural remedies to fight it

La Dandruff is a problem that affects one in two people, mostly young men. There substance consists of small fragments of the scalp that come off, end up in the hair and fall on shoulders and clothes.

Symptoms that often accompany it are itching and irritation of the scalp and although it is not a serious disease, it can greatly affect self-esteem and quality of life.

Sufferers know that the dandruff can be dry or oily and that making an early medical diagnosis can be useful in combating it.

In most cases, theregular use of a dandruff shampoo may suffice, but in other cases it is necessary to act with more effective products which, as we will see, can be of natural or chemical origin.

Unfortunately, there is currently no definitive treatment to permanently cure dandruff, which is why it can come back at any time in life due to several factors.

Dandruff: what it is

It's a widespread dermatitis. It is neither contagious nor dangerous, but it can be bothersome and negatively affect self-esteem, even if it has nothing to do with hygiene and the frequency with which the hair is washed.

It is due to the peeling of dead skin cells present in the scalp. For this it manifests itself with those characteristics unsightly white flakes that accumulate on jackets and dresses. In fact, the scales can also be of greyish or yellow in color and dry or oily.

In nature, the skin peeling process is physiological, as it allows cell turnover. But when it is excessive we speak precisely of dandruff, whose scientific name is Pityriasis Capitis.

The condition can vary in its intensity and can cause itching. In most cases it can be kept under control in a simple way, for example with antiforfora shampoo, in more serious cases it can hide serious diseases and promote hair loss.

Dry and oily dandruff: what it is, causes, symptoms, how to choose anti-dandruff shampoo and natural remedies to fight it

Types: dry and oily dandruff

It has been divided into three stages:

  • Physiological, due to the natural peeling of the skin.
  • Occasional, due to external factors such as infections or too aggressive cosmetic treatments.
  • Pathological, due to subcutaneous inflammation.

Then, based on how it manifests itself, dandruff can be of two types:

  • Dry.
  • Fat.

Dry dandruff

The first type is the most common and is easily visible to the naked eye. AND' characterized by numerous white and thin scales which can appear on the surface of the hair in groups of 500 to 1000 scales.

Their volatility is due to the fact that they easily detach from the skin and therefore fall quickly on our clothes.

Oily dandruff

This type of dandruff consists of small accumulations of fat, round and yellowish. They are more sticky and adhere to the hair.

This is why unlike dry dandruff, it does not fall easily on the shoulders, but remains on the head in the form of oily crusts that make the hair look dirty and greasy.

Symptoms of dandruff

The first and most annoying symptom of dandruff is undoubtedly visual.

  • A person affected by this condition, more often than not, notices it because they begin to see this white powder on their clothes.
  • Another annoying symptom is itching, especially if it is oily dandruff.
  • In the latter case, the scalp is covered with oily yellowish crusts recognizable to the touch.
  • Sometimes, dandruff can also affect the eyebrows, side hairline, ears, and nose. In rare cases, even the center of the chest or back.

Other explanations

The overgrowth of the Malassezia furfur fungus is responsible for dandruff in the scalp, but other conditions can also cause dandruff to form or have the same symptoms. Let's see some of them.

  • Seborrheic dermatitis, or eczemaIt is characterized by red and irritated skin in areas of the body where there are many sebaceous glands. The skin becomes oily shiny and covered with white or yellowish scales.
  • Psoriasis: it is a chronic and relapsing inflammatory skin disease that can give a white and scaly scalp and can extend along the forehead and neck.
  • Ringworm: it is a fungal infection that can affect the superficial layers of the skin in different parts of the body, including the scalp (tinea capitis). In this case it causes redness and inflammation if not hair loss.
Dry and oily dandruff: what it is, causes, symptoms, how to choose anti-dandruff shampoo and natural remedies to fight it

Why does dandruff get on the head?

The manifestation of this condition can occur for several factors.

Very often its origin is due to the presence of a very small mushroom called Malassezia furfur, which belongs to the normal microflora of the skin.

However, sometimes it behaves like a pathogen and causes infections, such asexcessive sebum production.

Other causes can be:

  • Hormonal decompensation.
  • Inflammation of the scalp due to poor hygiene or scratching caused by excessive itching.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Consumption of tobacco.
  • Stress.
  • Reaction of the skin to the use of hair products such as sprays or gels.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Repeated use of caps or helmets.

Risk factors

Whether dry or oily, dandruff can appear as a symptom associated with several factors.

For example, it appears to affect men at a young age more than women and adults. Then, however, there are people who due to diseases such as the Parkinson's disease they are more subject to it.

Same thing about patients suffering from pathologies related to stress or who have had a heart attack or stroke. This is most likely due to the severe impairment of the immune system.

Subjects who can suffer from it more than others

In addition to age and genetic predisposition, there are some people who exhibit symptoms more than others.

For example, those who live in the cold or are too much in the sun. The low temperatures, as well as excessive exposure to sunlight, they tend to dry out the skin and therefore also to flake the scalp.

Even in the newborn babies dandruff manifests itself in the form of cradle cap, a type of secretion due to the excessive consumption of fats and which tends to disappear after two months of life.

Dry and oily dandruff: what it is, causes, symptoms, how to choose anti-dandruff shampoo and natural remedies to fight it

Diagnosis and useful instrumental tests: when to consult a doctor

The diagnosis is made by a specialist doctor, usually a dermatologist, able to identify the problem and evaluate its seriousness.

La visit requires a careful medical history to identify previous or current pathologies, check if there is heredity with the problem and any other causes, such as lifestyles and eating habits.

In the case of dandruff due to seborrheic dermatitis o by contact, the doctor can instruct the patient to carry out an examination such as the allergological one, the so-called Patch Test. With it, it is usually possible to identify all those substances that cause an inflammatory reaction, including pathological sebum production.

Another specialist, the trichologist which, after making a hair examination, is able to provide information about their health, but also that of the scalp.

The specialist uses tools that allow you to collect parameters to determine the presence or absence of this disorder.

Dry and oily dandruff: what it is, causes, symptoms, how to choose anti-dandruff shampoo and natural remedies to fight it

How to fight dandruff: natural remedies and treatments

The problem of dandruff can be solved in various ways, it all depends on the severity. The first step, do it yourself, is definitely one antiforfora shampoo. There are different types, from the more commercial ones to the more specific ones purchased in pharmacies.

How to choose dandruff shampoo

The advice is to buy a shampoo that contains antifungals and ingredients that have asoothing action on the skin.

Therefore, the following must not be missing:

  • Zinc Pyrithione (antibacterial).
  • Salicylic acid (dissolves scales).
  • Selenium sulfide (antifungino).
  • Ketoconazole (antifungino).
  • Coal tar (anti-inflammatory).

Before using it is very important to read the instructions and verify that the product is suitable for your condition.

All shampoos usually involve the following procedure:

  • Leave the product to act for at least five minutes.
  • Do not stop the treatment before trying it for at least a month.
  • Do not abuse the product.
  • Stop only after resolving the problem permanently. However, it is possible that the treatment must be repeated several times in a year.

Other treatments

Instead, in the most severe cases it is necessary to resort to cortisone medications prescribed by your doctor. They can be in the form of shampoos or conditioners that can reduce inflammation and prevent allergies or dermatitis.

These products must also be used daily or according to the instructions on the leaflet. Afterwards, it is possible to repeat the treatment to maintain the result obtained.

Dry and oily dandruff: what it is, causes, symptoms, how to choose anti-dandruff shampoo and natural remedies to fight it

Natural remedies to fight dandruff

In addition to anti-dandruff drugs and shampoos, other remedies can be used. Some of the best known involve the use of:

  • Aspirin to dissolve and mix with shampoo, to have the same effectiveness as a normal anti-dandruff shampoo.
  • Tea tree oil to add to your shampoo for a soothing and anti-fungal action.
  • Apple cider vinegar to be diluted in water and sprayed directly on the skin. After working for 15 minutes it can be removed with water.
  • Alcohol-based mouthwash to use to rinse hair after shampooing.
  • Coconut oil or lemon to perform a soothing massage on the skin.
  • Garlic to eliminate bacteria.
  • Mask based on olive oil to leave on the scalp and hair overnight.

Prevention and what to do to prevent dandruff from returning

In most cases, preventing dandruff is possible. Even those who usually suffer from this problem due to genetic reasons should follow some simple advice that we report below.

  • Control your stress: you can do it by organizing your daily routine to avoid a too hectic life and unnecessary headaches. To this can be added physical and practical activities aimed at achieving psycho-physical well-being, such as meditation or yoga.
  • Eat healthy: follow a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables capable of eliminating waste and minimizing, if not completely eliminating, alcohol and foods that are too high in fat.
  • Proper personal hygiene: do not for any reason use a too aggressive shampoo that promotes the proliferation of sebum and dandruff. On the contrary, it is recommended to use a delicate daily shampoo with warm water and a hairdryer at a temperature that is not excessively high. Avoid using hair sprays and gels.
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