Are potatoes fattening and can they also be eaten on a diet?

Are potatoes fattening and can they also be eaten on a diet?

Tasty and very versatile in the kitchen, potatoes are a classic poor food, but at the same time also rich in nutrients beneficial to the body. But when you are on a diet, can you eat them or can potatoes make you put on weight?

Of American origin, potatoes are tubers belonging to the Solonaceae family that also includes peppers, eggplants and tomatoes. Often eaten as a side dish, they are considered as vegetables, compared to which they also contain twice as many kcal per hectogram (100 grams of potatoes provide about 80 calories); in fact, potatoes are part of the category of cereals and derivatives, although they are less energetic than bread, pasta or rice.

Edible only cooked, potatoes are a good source of vitamin C and B complex vitamins, in particular B6, but also of mineral salts, among which potassium, useful to reduce the accumulation of excess fluids and help in case of hypertension, followed by phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.

Le potatoes are also rich in fiber and brings tryptophan: the first acts giving satiety, reducing the absorption of sugars in blood and regulating intestinal activity, while the second is an amino acid involved, among other things, in the synthesis of serotonin, also known as good mood hormone. Lots of flavor, lots of benefits but also a doubt when you are on a diet: being very starchy carbohydrates, are potatoes fattening? Now let's explore this aspect and try to understand how to eat them without worrying about fat accumulation and, therefore, weight gain.

Are potatoes fattening? Are potatoes fattening?

Potatoes contain high percentages of starch, a polysaccharide formed by different glucose molecules which, joined together, give life to amylose (generally present in about 20%) and amylopectin (in the remaining 80%). Starches are digested in the intestine by specific enzymes called amylases; their digestion results in basal sugars (glucose and fructose) absorbed by the body.

This premise is fundamental to understanding the impact that potato can have on both the metabolism and absorption of sugars (and, consequently, on insulin release). In order to be broken down and digested, starch must change from an ordered, semi-crystalline structure to a disordered one: this physical process is called gelatinization and is made possible by the presence of an aqueous medium and certain temperatures.

Heating in water causes the starch granules to hydrate and swell, making them more exposed to the action of digestive enzymes. The amylose/amylopectin ratio is important in assessing the glycemic index of a food: the lower the amylose content, the higher the gelatinization and the higher the glycemic index. Since they have a high amylopectin content, this explains why boiled potatoes have a high glycemic index (around 80/90, depending on cooking methods and times).

The glycemic index and the glycemic load are two values to keep in mind to keep insulin release under control and avoid accumulating abdominal fat: So is it true that potatoes are fattening?

No food in itself is fattening if cooked correctly and brought to the table in moderation: remember that it is always the exaggeration that makes the difference and potatoes are no exception. Therefore, eating too many potatoes could also negatively affect the line. But how many potatoes to eat so as not to put on weight?

How to eat potatoes without getting fat

A culinary trick that does not weigh too much on the glycemic index, but allows us to enjoy a portion of boiled potatoes (a dish that is often considered "harmless") even on a diet, is to cool the flow before eating it: this leads the starch to assume a more ordered structure, similar to the original (retrogradation process), with a consequent decrease in the value of the index.

At the same time, it is advisable to avoid combining with other cereals such as pasta, bread or fruit, but prefer a portion of vegetables, for their fiber content, and season with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Boiled potatoes, like baked or roasted potatoes, are not a side dish, but perfectly replace a portion of pasta or bread: on average, it is recommended to eat two small ones at a time, up to a couple of times a week (quantities vary according to individual physiological characteristics and nutritional needs) and it is also possible to eat potatoes for dinner.

For some time now also appears on the market the so-called sweet potato or American potato, similar in appearance to the classic potato, but with a more elongated shape, with the skin and the pulp of a particular orange color and half a cane. way between the tuber and the pumpkin. Actually belonging to another family, the Convolvulaceae, it is particularly rich in carotenoids, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and has a lower glycemic index.

Also in this case, it should not be said that sweet potatoes are fattening a priori, as long as the right seasonings and combinations are used, but without giving up the taste and the pleasures of the table.

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