Diet to gain weight by OnlyBelleza: what it is, foods to introduce and menu examples

Contrary to what you might imagine, the weight gain diet is not about increasing your fat intake because, if you do, you may have long-term health problems (cardiovascular disease, cholesterol or hypertension).

To gain weight, the fattening diet requires a healthy and balanced diet. In everyday life, the calorie intake must respect these proportions between nutrients: approx 50% of carbohydrates, 20% of proteins, 25% of fats and the rest in vitamins, fibers and minerals as in the weight loss diet. The difference compared to the slimming one is that the calories and nutrients increase in proportion.

Excessive thinness can be psychologically frustrating as much as being overweight. And, just like being overweight, it can hide Health problems which is good to discover and investigate.

The principle, in fact, is the same: at the base of a weight that is not the right one for you there is often a bad dietary education and to recover the balance you have to learn to love yourself more and eat better

We talked about it with Luca Piretta, SISA nutritionist (Spanish Society of Food Science).

Diet for gaining weight: what is it?

The diet to gain weight or high calories consists in increasing the number of calories to be introduced daily.

If, for example, you have a calorie requirement of 1600 calories / day, the weight gain diet will be 2100 calories / day.

The goal of the diet to gain weight is to gradually gain fat mass but also muscle mass.

Normally, the body stores energy reserves which it draws on in case of need.  In the diet to gain weight, on the other hand, the resources available in terms of calories present in the body are increased.

So, by adopting this food program, you will give your body a chance to introduce more calories than it burns.

Diet to gain weight by OnlyBelleza: what it is, foods to introduce and menu examples

How to tell if you are under weight?

“The parameter most frequently used to define thinness is represented by the weight-to-height ratio, or body mass index.

The Body Mass Index (BMI or BMI, English acronym for Body Mass Index) is a parameter that allows you to determine whether your weight is within the norm.

When this index is less than 18,5, according to the criteria of WHO let's talk about underweight e increases the risk of disease

In these cases, it is useful to undergo a fattening diet, which sometimes it is advisable to start even earlier if the speed of weight loss is rapid ".

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Why go on a diet to gain weight

The reasons that can lead to following a high-calorie diet are various.

It may be because you have a fast metabolism. The body burns calories consumed very quickly and can't store any fat reserves, so you're under weight. 

This can also happen to whom do a lot of physical activity and eats too little.

The diet for gaining weight is also indicated for regain a few pounds after an intestinal flu, to those who have astomach ulcer or hormonal imbalance (hyperthyroiditis, for example).

The diet to gain weight is also recommended for those who have lost kilos and find themselves under weight as a result of:

  • trough
  • nervous fatigue
  • intense stress.

Foods to be included in the fattening diet

Generally speaking, there are foods that, by virtue of their higher caloric intake, can help you gain weight.

"There are more caloric foods that need to be exploited (aged cheeses, oil EVO, bread, pasta), but you must never lose sight of the fact that a diet must take into account a balance between nutrients and, to be healthy, it must not ignore the presence of fruits and vegetables".  

Le portions depend on calorie intake of the diet as well as the weight loss diet, the weight loss diet depends on how active you are.

Here are some rules for gaining weight in a healthy way:

  • bread or pasta with every meal
  • meat or fish or eggs or legumes 1 or 2 times a day
  • dairy products 1 time per day
  • fruit and vegetables: 5 servings a day
  • 1,5 / 2 liters of water per day.
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Gaining weight: a help from supplements

In some cases it can be useful combine the diet with supplements, but always on doctor's indication, who will also have to choose which ones to use according to the circumstances.

"The supplements - Piretta explains - they are not all the same and we must not fall into the error that they are sufficient to solve the problem of thinness ".

Personalized diet for gaining weight by OnlyBelleza

The principle of a diet to gain weight, like the one proposed by OnlyBelleza, is identical to the diet to lose weight.: balance and personalization.

Individual needs, in fact, change according to age, sex, psyche, physical activity, work and organizational rhythms, personal tastes and social habits.

“It is essential that diets are tailored to the needs of the individual, to avoid the risk of imbalances.

The same diet, if it does not take into account all these variables, can make someone lose weight and maybe make someone else fat ".

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How to gain weight

But what is the right pace to gain weight? “Getting fat - explains Piretta - can be more difficult than losing weight.  

This is because overweight almost always comes from bad behavioral habits, so with proper education and the injection of valid motivations you can more easily modulate the pace of weight loss.

Thinness, on the other hand, is more often a consequence of pathologies that must be treated when possible.

Unfortunately, the excessive loss of muscle metabolically active it is never 100% recoverable ". In this sense, it sports can help to gain muscle mass, at least to some extent.

With the OnlyBelleza diet to gain weight, you can gain weight between 500 g / 1 kilo per week.

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Omnivorous diet for gaining weight: menu examples

Diet to gain weight by OnlyBelleza: what it is, foods to introduce and menu examples

Vegetarian diet to gain weight: menu examples

Diet to gain weight by OnlyBelleza: what it is, foods to introduce and menu examples

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Diet to gain weight by OnlyBelleza: what it is, foods to introduce and menu examples
Diet to gain weight by OnlyBelleza: what it is, foods to introduce and menu examples

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