Yerba mate, energy and slimming drink: here are properties and contraindications

: July 15, 2023

Yerba mate, or yerba mate, is a typical drink of South American countries, a real concentrate of energy for those who want to change from the usual coffee or tea. Discover its properties, uses and contraindications.

The famous mate, also known as Mate or herba mate, an infusion particularly rich in properties and appreciated above all for its energizing abilities.

Yerba mate, energy and slimming drink: here are properties and contraindications

Consumed in Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and other areas of South America, the Mate it has been known since ancient times since the indigenous peoples (in particular the Guaranì indios tribe) made a daily use of it, handed down to our times by the Spanish colonizers who appreciated its taste and properties.

produce the mate traditional procedures are still used, the leaves of the plant are collected and dried for many hours and then chopped up in such a way that they can be easily used to prepare thebrew. Finally they undergo a light roasting which makes them more aromatic.

Yerba mate: properties and beneficial effects

One of the features most known and appreciated of this drink is certainly that tonic / energizing, however, scientific research is also bringing to light other very interesting qualities. So let's see below what are the main beneficial properties of yerba mate.

✓ Antioxidant

THEinfusion of green maté it is rich in xanthines and polyphenols, precious antioxidants that defend the cells of our body from the action of free radicals. It is interesting to know that the antioxidant power of yerba mate appears to be slightly top also to that of green tea [1].

✓ Energizing and stimulating

Le leaves of yerba mate, like coffee and tea, they contain caffeine (called in this case mateine ​​as in the case of tea we speak of theine). It is thanks to the presence of this substance that one of the largest properties of yerba mate pure is that of being one energizing and invigorating drink, to be used for example in periods of great fatigue or during seasonal changes. It is also interesting to know that 100 ml in yerba mate contain approx 17 mg of caffeine, lower value than coffee but higher than that of green tea [2].

Unlike coffee, the al mate has the advantage of DON'T generally be annoying side effects such as tachycardia or agitation, perhaps precisely because caffeine is contained in less quantity. Despite this, very sensitive people may still experience unwelcome sensations after consuming this drink including increased heart rate, sense of anxiety or difficulty falling asleep.

✓ Helps burn fat

Again thanks to caffeine the mate it is also a good fat burner, so it can be associated with one Slimming diet and to regular physical activity one or two cups a day of this drink for promote weight loss and increase the sense of satiety.

✓ Antibacterial

Some studies have highlighted antibacterial and antifungal properties of yerba mate. Specifically, the extracts of maté have been shown to be useful in combating infections from Escherichia coli, a bacterium that can cause annoying gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach cramps and diarrhea. Furthermore, yerba mate also appears to be able to prevent the growth of the fungus Malassezia furfur, responsible for dandruff. Finally, it appears that the compounds of the plant may provide some protection against intestinal parasites [3, 4, 5].

✓ Digestive and diuretic

THEherba mate it also has power digestive, taking it after meals helps the stomach and intestines work, improves circulation and also promotes diuresis by supporting, among other things, the work of the kidneys avoiding the formation of stones.

✓ Useful against high blood sugar

Some preliminary studies indicate that drinking yerba mate may help regulate blood sugar, reduce insulin resistance and diabetes complications [6].

When to use yerba mate

Given its qualities, we advise you to use yerba mate in times of psychophysical stress to recover some energy, before playing sports, for speed up metabolism in case it is a bit slow but also simply as a moment of relaxation if you appreciate the flavor. Drinking one or two cups of maté a day (for example one cup at breakfast and one in the morning) will also help you increase your intake of valuable antioxidants.

Yerba mate: preparation guide

La Mate it can be bought in herbalist's shops and natural food stores in the form of sachets or dried leaves. In the first case, simply leave the sachet in infusion for a few minutes, in the second instead it is also necessary to filter, unless you have the traditional object that Argentines and Paraguayans use to prepare and at the same time sip the drink.

Prepare the yerba mate in most South American homes it is a real ritual, a bit like preparing coffee here. A moment of pleasure to spend in company. Among other things, the preparation is really simple, since the mate is similar in all respects to a normal tea.

Si use then the leaves (1 tablespoon for each cup or a teaspoon of maté powder) that should be left in infusion for a few minutes in boiling water before being filtered.

Traditionally the Mate it is enjoyed in a special container called matero equipped with a special called straw bulb from which sip calmly the hot drink without needing to filter it first.

THEHerb mate has a bitter taste, basically herbal, and a very distinctive smell. They should be drunk 2-3 cups a day, it is usually drunk hot but nothing excludes consuming it cold instead, especially in the summer.

Yerba mate: contraindications and side effects

Moderate consumption of Mate generally does not involve contraindicationsif it is used too much, gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea and cramps may appear. Furthermore, as already mentioned, those who are particularly sensitive to unwelcome effects caffeine (for example tachycardia, agitation or insomnia) could also be affected by the consumption of maté.

If you have never tried it start in small doses in order to evaluate the effect it has on you. The matè could interact with some medications, if you take them, always ask your doctor for advice. During pregnancy and breastfeeding it is best to avoid taking this drink. Also a precaution when taking MAOIs and antidepressants as interactions are possible. In these cases, ask your doctor for advice before drinking yerba mate.

Yerba mate: price and where to buy it

Lo Mate can be buy in organic food stores, herbalists or in the numerous online shops dedicated to this type of product. It can be found in leaves or powder and is prepared as described in the paragraph above. The price del matè varies according to the product and its quality, however it is in line with other products of this type. For a good organic product in leaves or powder, you can even reach 10-15 euros for half a kilo or 25 ready-to-use sachets. There are also more concentrated powder extracts on the market, which however have higher prices.

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