Vitamin D in food: where is it found? Here are the richest foods

Vitamin D in food: where is it found? Here are the richest foods

Vitamin D is mainly found in foods of animal origin, but not only. Find out which foods have the most vitamin D and consult the practical table.

  • Recommended daily amount
  • Top 10 foods richest in vitamin D
  • Table of vitamin D in foods
  • Main properties and functions

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that includes compounds exhibiting the biological activity of calciferol. The most active form is cholecalciferol or vitamin D3 which is derived from cholesterol and synthesized in animal organisms, while ergocalciferol or vitamin D2, of plant origin, is less active. Both forms are inactive and are subsequently activated in the liver and kidneys.

In addition to being contracted through vitamin D-containing foods, it can be synthesized by the liver and kidneys. Vitamin D can be synthesized by the body with exposureto the sun, since in the skin there is a provitamin, dehydrocholesterol (itself derived from cholesterol), which is transformed into cholecalciferol by solar radiation.

Vitamin D is important for the homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus, thus for the mineralization of bones and teeth, stimulates the immune system, promotes the production of serotonin, improves insulin function and reduces high blood pressure.

A vitamin D deficiency has serious consequences such as rickets in children, characterized by bone deformation, and osteomalacia in adults, characterized by muscle weakness, bone fragility and pain in muscles and bones. A vitamin D deficiency leads to osteoporosis, psoriasis, hypertension and has also been linked to irritability and moodiness up to depression. We will explore the benefits of this vitamin at the end of the article.

Also an overdose through supplements is dangerous, because vitamin D, being fat-soluble, accumulates in the body causing nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, hypercalcemia and calcification of soft tissues. Let us now find out what is the recommended daily amount of this vitamin.

Vitamin D: recommended daily allowance

The Italian Society of Human Nutrition recommends a daily intake of 10 μg of vitamin D per adult that can be obtained by eating 100 grams of fish such as carp or smoked salmon or taking about 5 grams of cod liver oil. But to have an adequate production of vitamin D, it is sufficient to be exposed to sun light for at least 15 minutes a day in summer and 30 in winter.

10 foods rich in vitamin D

But where is vitamin D found? Being a fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin D is found especially in fatty foods and, above all, of animal origin. Let's see in particular which foods are rich in vitamin D.

1 cod liver oil

Among the foods rich in vitamin D. we find cod liver oil. This oil is obtained from cod liver, which is refined to be taken as a food supplement. Cod liver oil is very caloric and contains a high content of fat-soluble vitamins, iodine and omega-3 essential fatty acids.

2 Grifola frondosa

Grifola frondosa is a mushroom also called maitake. It is native to Japan, where it is used both as a food and as a remedy to increase vitality and stimulate the immune system. It grows mainly at the foot of oak and beech trees. This mushroom has an excellent vitamin D content.

3 Carp

Carp is a freshwater fish belonging to the cyprinid family. It is a medium-sized fish that can, however, also reach a meter in length and weigh up to 40 kg. It can be recognized by its mouth, characterized by voluminous lips with 4 barbels. The flesh of this fish is very digestible and nutritious. Its vitamin D content is remarkable: 24.7 µg per 100 gr.

4 Smoked salmon

Salmon is a typical fish of the temperate and cold seas of the North Atlantic. Smoked salmon is subjected to a smoking process. Salmon is rich in protein, fat-soluble vitamins (including vitamin D) and omega-3, which increases good cholesterol levels.

5 Mackerel

Mackerel is a fish belonging to the blue fish category, rich in omega 3, with anti-inflammatory and bad cholesterol reducing activity and rich in vitamin D.. It can be found fresh, frozen or canned.

6 Swordfish

Among the foods with vitamin D we also find swordfish. As is well known, it is a large and quite lean fish, rich in proteins of high biological value and polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, like all large fish, its meat is rich in heavy metals such as mercury, so it is advisable not to consume it too often.

7 Tuna in oil

Tuna in oil provides more vitamin D since there is oil that favors its absorption. It is also rich in proteins and noble fats. It is advisable to take it in extra virgin olive oil, to also benefit from the properties of the latter.

8 Egg yolk

Compared to the whole egg, egg yolk has a higher amount of vitamin D because it is richer in fats. It also provides a good amount of iron and vitamin B12.

9 chickens

Chanterelles are mushroom gods also called chanterelles, low in calories and fat. They are yellow in color and have a good amount of vitamin D, potassium and B complex vitamins. They can be found from summer through fall.

10 Mushrooms

Morels is the common name given to morel mushrooms, poisonous when raw and, therefore, should be consumed only after cooking. They are found in spring and are low in calories but rich in mineral salts and these are also edible. high vitamin D content.

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