How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

How lose weight and be able to reach your target weight? If you've made the decision and have the right motivation, here are some tips to help you do it right away. And in the right way!

Forget the fast diets, the ones that promise you miraculous weight loss in no time. They are almost always overly punitive and risky to your health, and often cause you to regain all the weight you lost as soon as you stop.

You want to know how to lose weight in a healthy but effective way and above all without physical and mental stress?

We have collected for you i 10 tips to lose weight from the OnlyBelleza nutritionist, tips that will make your weight loss journey even easier.

Discover all the tricks to lose weight without sacrifices!

1 - Choose the right diet for you

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

Following a diet requires motivation and commitment.

This is why choosing the right weight loss diet for you is the first requirement to be successful.  

personalized diet, i.e. based on:

  • Lifestyle.
  • Physique.
  • Weight.
  • Age.
  • Calorie requirement.
  • Food preferences.

It is effective because it is tailored exactly to your needs. In addition, a diet tailored to your needs is easier, because it will never be excessively privative, therefore it will not push you to go overboard.

So it is OnlyBelleza diet - elaborated with the scientific advice from SISA, the Spanish Society of Food Science - which makes you lose weight simply by eating healthier, based on the principles of Mediterranean diet.

2 - Eat slowly

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

You feel hungry, eat fast and do you often fill the plate twice, not respecting the portions indicated by the diet?

First of all, take a minute and listen to yourself, trying to figure out if there is feeling of hunger is real or if it is not a question of a psychological rather than a bodily impulse. 

Then slow down: your body doesn't register immediately the feeling of satiety and it needs more time.

It would be preferable to eat until you feel satisfied and not full. In this, it also helps a lot to choose gods nutritious and more filling foods: you will see that following these two simple tips will help you significantly reduce the amount you put on your plate.

3 - Those who go slowly go healthy and far

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

One of the best tricks for weight loss is losing weight gradually, no more than a kilo per week.

The nutritionist advises you to lose between 0,5 and 1 pound every seven days, as happens with the OnlyBelleza diet.

So you do not subject your body to unnecessary stress and you do not have to suffer the pains of hell with sacrifices and impossible sacrifices. Above all, you will say goodbye to the feared yo-yo effect, that is, to that dangerous swing in weight that leads you to lose a lot of kilos with very privative diets and to regain them immediately afterwards, in a swing that is not good for your health.

Gradually lose weight it means reducing the risk of regaining all the lost pounds as soon as you stop the diet.

Find out how to lose weight quickly: tips and mistakes to avoid.

4 - Do not be a slave to the scales

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

When you are on a diet the balance it can be your best friend or your worst enemy.

It depends on what use you make of it. Are you obsessed with checking your progress and weighing yourself every morning ready to catch every slight swing in your weight? This kind of attitude is absolutely not recommended by the nutritionist, because weight changes are very normal and often linked to physiological conditions, such as menstruation.

If you weigh a little more one morning it does not mean that the diet does not work, so don't weigh yourself every day because your morale could be unnecessarily affected!

The ideal is to step on the scales once a week, preferably in the morning, as recommended by the OnlyBelleza diet.

5 - The importance of breakfast

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

Meal often underestimated, breakfast is instead essential to correctly distribute the calorie intake throughout the day.

In fact, it provides you 20-30% of the energy needed to face your daily commitments and avoids the risk of arriving at lunch hungry as a wolf.

What you choose to eat is equally important: milk or derivatives, to modulate the sense of satiety and the glycemic index of the meal, combined with cereals and fruit, which provide you with the right amount of sugars, carbohydrates and fibers.

6 - Drink more water

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

How many times have you heard how important it is to drink!

Water is an essential element for the proper functioning of your body, because it is essential for the performance of all physiological processes.

But did you know that it also helps you lose weight? Yes, because thewater increases the gastric volume and induces an immediate sense of fullness, so drinking we tend to feel full sooner.

7 - How to lose weight by eating everything

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

One of the best tips for losing weight is to eat a little bit of everything.

You don't have to give up bread and pasta, mistakenly demonized, and sometimes you can even indulge in dessert, as long as everything is handled in moderation.

Very often it is thought that the so-called "forbidden foods" are at the origin of the extra pounds or the lack of weight loss.

But forbidden foods don't exist: the truth is that what makes you fattening are the excesses or an intake of nutrients and calories that exceeds your daily requirement. 

For example, if you decide to eat dessert for dinner, maybe avoid bread or if you prefer to drink a glass of red wine then skip the dessert, to balance the calories throughout the day.

Just make small changes: at OnlyBelleza we always say that diet is a food education path which teaches you to eat everything but with balance.

8 – Use fantasy in the kitchen

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

Cooking at home is the key to having under control what you put on your plate because you choose all the ingredients and seasonings.

The nutritionist reminds you that cooking is the key to a healthier and more complete diet, because it allows you to vary in the choice of dishes, in the ways of proposing them, tickle the imagination and the desire to experiment with new foods, eliminating boredom at the table and the temptation to give up the diet.

So don't be discouraged, there are many very simple dishes to cook and with OnlyBelleza you can forget the "I'm not able" because all proposed recipes are quick and easy to prepare, but always tasty.

9 - The strength of snacks

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

Many people are unable to follow a diet because they arrive at the table too hungry and this prevents them from controlling themselves.

Do you want to know how to lose weight without going hungry? Always do some hunger-breaking snacks

A fruit, a yogurt, a brioche or a slice of homemade cake (obviously light as the recipes of OnlyBelleza teach), raw vegetables to munch on ...

Make 3 snacks a day it will soothe the feeling of languor between main meals and will allow you to respect the quantities foreseen for lunch and dinner.

10 - To lose weight, transform your diet into a lifestyle

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist

The meaning of the word diet is "way of life".

This means that to lose weight with balance and maintain the results achieved thehealthy nutrition it must become a habit that keeps you company every day, for a lifetime, and not a temporary sacrificed regimen to give up as soon as you reach your ideal weight.

Only in this way, that is, by inserting it into your daily diet all food groups and combining them according to the indications of the food pyramid of Mediterranean diet, you will be able to keep your line.

OnlyBelleza is based on these principles and provides:  

  • 5 portions of fruit and vegetables.
  • Carbohydrates at each meal (they meet about one third of an adult's daily energy needs).
  • Meat no more than twice a week, fish, eggs and even sweets.
  • A small delicacy, provided it is light and consumed in moderation, that it gratifies you and motivates you to move forward with grit and conviction.

Do you still have doubts about how to lose weight in a balanced and very effective way? Follow the OnlyBelleza diet: finding the line has never been easier!

How to lose weight with the 10 tricks of the nutritionist FOOD DIARY 90 Days: Diary loss of ...
  • Diari Carini (Author)
6,79 EUR

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