Apricots, antioxidants and tonics: here are properties, benefits and contraindications

Apricots, antioxidants and tonics: here are properties, benefits and contraindications

Very rich in properties, apricots are precious against free radicals and useful for the health of the heart, eyes, skin and hair. Discover all the benefits of apricots and their possible contraindications.

The apricot is a typical summer fruit of the apricot tree or Prunus Armeniaca, belonging to the Rosaceae species. The apricot plant is native to Asia and was spread to Europe by the Romans after the conquest of Armenia, hence its name. Currently, the largest apricot producers worldwide are Italy, Spain, the United States, France and Greece.

The plant is quite hardy, reaching up to 10 meters in height in the wild. It is grown in temperate climate zones and flowers in spring, while fruit ripening, depending on the species, occurs between June and the end of July. In fact, the Pindos variety is already harvested between the end of May and the beginning of June, while the majority ripens in June and July, such as the valleggia, typical of Liguria.

The apricot is oval in shape, with different size and color depending on the variety. It is characterized by a velvety skin that can range from golden to red. Now let's see which are the most common apricot varieties.

Types of apricots: the most common varieties

Apricots are typical fruits of the summer season and especially appreciated for their nutritional and organoleptic properties. They stand out for their many varieties present in the Spanish territory: in this regard, here is a description of the most famous ones.

  • Pindos Albicocca: among the early flowering varieties, the Pindos apricot stands out, which can be harvested at the end of May. It is a medium-sized fruit with a not too sweet flavor;
  • Reale d'Imola apricot: originally from China and widespread in Emilia Romagna, this variety of apricot is characterized by its large size and marked aroma. The color of the skin is yellow with hints of red, while the flavor is sweet and sometimes sour. It is an early flowering variety (March-May) and ripens in early July;
  • Valleggia apricot: typical of the Savona area and randomly arrived from the East, the Valleggia apricot stands out for the characteristics of its skin, thin and colored with a faint orange, interrupted by scattered red spots. It is a small fruit, although its flavor is intense, sweet and aromatic;
  • Amabile Vecchioni Apricot: with a "sweet" taste, precisely, the fruits of this variety are large and oval-shaped, delimited by a yellow-orange envelope. Flowering takes place in March, while ripening takes place at the beginning of June;
  • Albicocca Tyrinthos: this variety is typical of northern Italy and ripens between late May and early June. These are large fruits with a light yellow color. The flesh is not very juicy and has a delicate flavor;
  • Vesuvian apricot: collecting different apricot biotypes (for example: the Portici, the Cafona, the Pellecchiella, the Prete, etc.) this denomination refers to a decidedly vast cultivar that extends throughout the Vesuvius area. Very rich in potassium, the soil of this area gives its fruits a sweet and characteristic flavor. They are apricots with a strong odor and a yellow-orange color with splashes of red. Ripening is early and harvesting takes place in mid-June.

Although there are different types, generally the taste and beneficial properties are similar in all apricot varieties. Let's look at them together.

Apricot: calories and nutritional values

Fresh apricots are rich in water and low in fat and, therefore, in calories. 48 calories per 100 grams. They are therefore ideal as a healthy snack to rehydrate and recharge with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants without giving up a low-calorie diet. They also have a low glycemic index.

They also have a good amount of fiber, which prevents constipation as it accelerates intestinal transit, gives a greater feeling of satiety, useful in overweight subjects, and helps reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. Now let's take a look at the nutritional values of apricots and the characteristics of the most represented elements.

Nutritional values per 100g of apricots:
Acqua 86,35 gr
kcal 48
protein 1,4 g
Fat 0,39 g
carbohydrates 11,12 g
fiber 2 g
Calcium 13 mg
potassium 259 mg
Magnesium 10 mg
phosphorus 23 mg
Vitamin C 10 mg (16.7% RDA)
Vitamin B1 0.03 mg (2.1% RDA)
Vitamin B2 0.04 mg (2.5% RDA)
Vitamin B3 0.6 mg (3.3% RDA)
Vitamin B5 0.24 mg (4% RDA)
Folate 9 µg (4,5% RDA)
Vitamin A (RAE) 96 µg (12% RDA)
Beta-carotene 1094 g
Vitamin E 0.89 mg (8.9% RDA)
Vitamin K 3,3 µg (4,7% RDA)
Lutein + zeaxanthin 89 g
Glycemic index 35
Cholesterol 0 g

Apricot: nutritional properties

Apricots are rich in minerals, especially potassium and beta-carotene which is the precursor of vitamin A. They are also good in vitamin C and vitamin E. In apricots there are many substances with antioxidant activity, in addition to the vitamins already mentioned, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, but also quercetin.

  • Potassium: Apricots have a good potassium content. This mineral regulates blood pressure, lowering it, as it favors the elimination of excess fluids, thus also combating fluid retention. It also regulates the heartbeat;
  • Beta-carotene: is a natural pigment responsible for the yellow-orange color of fruits and vegetables, such as apricots. In our body it is converted into vitamin A or retinol of which it is the precursor. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining eye function, including night vision, and for cell growth and differentiation. Beta-carotene has a strong antioxidant activity, counteracting the free radicals responsible for cellular aging and cancer;
  • Vitamin C: this vitamin is a powerful antioxidant and strengthens the immune system, counteracting colds and flu. It is essential for the synthesis of collagen and favors the absorption of iron, combating anemia;
  • Vitamin E: in addition to being an antioxidant, this vitamin has vasodilator action and stimulates the immune system, prevents cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and tumors;
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin: are two carotenoids with antioxidant action contained in the retina of the eye, protecting it from light radiation damage;
  • Quercetin: a flavonoid with antioxidant action but also anti-inflammatory and immune system stimulant.

Apricots: health benefits

The richness of functional substances gives the properties of apricots useful for our health. In short, apricots are good for the skin and eyes, prevent constipation, have antioxidant properties and are good for cardiovascular health, but not only. Let's see in detail the benefits that brings regular consumption of these fruits.

✓ Promote cardiovascular health.

The high content of antioxidants, in particular beta-carotene, present in apricots, is essential to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (the so-called bad cholesterol) by preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and, consequently, protect heart health.

✓ Protecting the skin.

The consumption of apricots is useful to protect the skin as the beta-carotene they contain stimulates the production of melanin, a substance responsible for tanning that protects the skin from the sun's rays.

✓ They have antioxidant power.

Apricots contain numerous antioxidant substances, including vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. They are able to protect against the harmful effects of free radicals, responsible for aging and the formation of cancer cells.

✓ They prevent constipation.

Among the properties of apricots we also remember the ability to prevent constipation. In fact, the presence of fibers helps to stimulate intestinal peristalsis, favoring the expulsion of feces and the detoxification of toxins and foreign substances. The laxative function is completed by the presence of a sugar called sorbitol.

✓ Protect and improve eyesight.

Apricots promote eye health. This is because the retina of the eye possesses two important antioxidants: lutein and zeaxanthin, substances present in the fruit that are able to filter light and therefore protect the eye from phototoxic damage.

✓ Lower blood pressure and regulate heart rate.

The potassium contained in apricots has a regulating action on body fluids, reducing water retention and blood pressure, and on the heartbeat.

✓ Useful in case of exhaustion or convalescence.

Apricots, thanks to the abundance of mineral salts and vitamins, are remineralizing and represent a valid aid in case of exhaustion perhaps due to excessive heat or during physical activity. They are therefore excellent as a snack to recover some energy.

How many apricots to eat per day?

The consumption of fresh apricots can correspond to that recommended by the guides and related to fruit in general. Therefore, the daily amount corresponds to 2-3 servings, where each serving is composed of 150 g of apricots (2-3 medium-sized whole apricots). Since the weight of a single medium apricot is about 50 grams, the amount of 3 apricots provides just under 80 calories.

Different criterion for dried apricots, whose caloric density limits their daily consumption to 40 g (3-4 apricots). As for apricots in syrup, it is preferable to consume up to 100 g (1-2 apricots), to avoid excessive sugar consumption.

Apricots: how to use and consume them

to keep all the properties of apricots it is necessary to consume them fresh, perhaps for breakfast or as a snack during the day. They can also be used to prepare refreshing smoothies, fruit salads with other seasonal fruits, extracts or to make a delicious juice.

Tomake homemade apricot juice is quite simple Specifically, to prepare about 1 and a half liters of juice you need 1/2 kg of apricots, 1 liter of water, 150 grams of sugar and the juice of one lemon. First of all, wash and remove the stone from the apricots, cut them into slices and add them together with the other ingredients in a saucepan; at this point put the pot on the fire and, once it reaches boiling point, let it cook for 10-15 minutes; finally blend the mixture with the help of an immersion blender. Before pouring the juice into sterilized glass jars, remove the foam that forms on the surface.

Homemade apricot juice is undoubtedly a tasty alternative to consume these fruits, however it must be remembered that cooking and the presence of sugar alternate their initial nutritional values, causing also a loss of vitamins due to high temperatures.

Besides juice, there are also apricots in syrup, candied or in the form of jam. They can also be found in dried form: in this case they will have a higher potassium content than fresh fruit. This fruit, if integrated into a healthy diet, brings wellness and a lot of flavor to our tables.

Dried, canned or fresh apricots: characteristics and differences.

In addition to the different varieties, apricots are also available in different "versions" fresh, in syrup and dried (or dehydrated). Let's see in detail the characteristics of these 3 variants.

1 fresh apricots

Fresh apricots are summer fruits rich in water and micronutrients. These include vitamin A and vitamin C, but also potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein are also antioxidant components. These fruits are also a good source of fiber. From an energetic point of view, 100 g of fresh apricots provide about 48 kcal.

2 Dried apricots

Also available out of season, dried (or dehydrated) apricots are fruits deprived of the watery fraction. They are therefore less voluminous apricots with longer shelf life. The nutrients are more concentrated, determining also, for the same weight, a higher caloric intake than the fresh counterpart: 100 g of dried apricots provide about 240 kcal.

3 apricots in syrup

Originating from ancient methods of preserving seasonal fruit, apricots in syrup involve the immersion of fresh fruit, either whole or coarsely chopped, in a syrup composed of water and sugar. The preparation of this product involves stages at high temperatures, resulting in the loss of thermolabile nutrients such as vitamin C and some antioxidants. The immersion of the fruit in the syrup also determines the dispersion of mineral salts. In addition, it is a more sugary food, and therefore more caloric, than apricots as a starter: 100 g of apricots in syrup provide about 63 kcal.

Apricots: contraindications and possible negative effects

Apricots have no specific contraindications. Consumption should be moderate for those suffering from kidney stones. Obviously, beware of personal allergies. Despite the few side effects, it is good to remember that, as studies show, they are often involved in cross-allergies. Those who are intolerant to grass pollen (April-June) may have some allergic symptoms even when consuming apricots.

As for apricot seeds, it is good to keep in mind that they contain potentially toxic substances in high doses, so it is advisable to reduce their consumption and in any case to eat them together with fruit.

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