12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

And if that were enough 12 exercises and just 7 minutes to improve your physical condition, would you try?  

This famous 7 minute workout was created by 2 Americans, Brett Klika and Chris Jordan, to respond to their customers' requests:

  • being able to play sports anywhere, without tools;
  • being able to integrate physical activity into everyday life even when you are super busy.

The only accessories you need are a stopwatch, a chair and the wall.

7 Minute Workout: What is it?

It is a program of HICT (High Intensity Circuit Training) published in the American College of Sports Medicine's Health & Fitness Journal and popularized by the New York Times. A group of scholars has selected 12 exercises to be performed for 30 seconds and interspersed with 10 seconds of recovery.

Find out what is lHICT training.

This high intensity training would increase the metabolism and it would be theequivalent to a workout of over an hour, condensed in just 7 minutes!

It's a program ideal for those who want to try theHICT training and it is progressive. It is suitable for both men than women in good health.

Then, you can start from 7 minutes and go up to 21 minutes, depending on your physical fitness and the time you can devote to sporting activity. But, if you are not very trainedIt is better to run the circuit only once, however, if you already practice an activity such as running, for example, you can decide to repeat it 2/3 times.

Does the 7-minute workout work? To be effective, it is essential to perform the exercises correctly. OnlyBelleza shows you 7 minutes for each exercise on the circuit, a less demanding variant because the important thing is not to get hurt.

7-minute workout: benefits and strengths

These exercises were chosen to develop the strength of major muscle groups but also to do cardio work.

Hence, the purpose is to succeed in maintain maximum intensity at each exercise. Exercises should be performed for 30 seconds (try to do at least 20 repetitions) with 10 seconds of recovery between exercises.

According to the scholars who designed the circuit, running this program at a high intensity would be more effective, especially for burn fat, which run for 40 minutes.

Usually, the muscle toning work and aerobic work they are made separately. But, thanks to this circuit, the 2 types of training and effort are combined in one program.

Anyone can find 7 minutes to train, especially since this program can be run anywhere.

In fact, a Swiss study has shown that lack of time is the main obstacle for those who want to play sports but cannot fit it into their daily routines. Here is the solution: A 7-minute schedule certainly can't make you late to the office in the morning.

How to train the 4 muscle groups in 7 minutes

The order of this workout must be respected. It was designed to alternate the 4 muscle groups:

  • Cardio: jumping jacks, step-up onto chair, runinng in place;
  • Legs: wall sit, squat, lunge;
  • Chest and arms: push-up, triceps on chair, push-up and rotation;
  • Core: crunch, plank, side plank.
12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

12 exercises in 7 minutes: modulate your workout

Respecting the order of the 4 muscle groups, you can also decide to simplify the exercises if you find it difficult to do them. In any physical activity, it is essential to recognize your limitations. So the advice is to adapt the pace and intensity of training to your level: you will still get positive effects on both the toning and the improving your stamina and aerobic capacity.

Some examples

  • If you can't do push-ups, put your knees on the ground. Conversely, if you are super fit, do raised pushups;
  • The same advice goes for the plank: the first few weeks you can perform the exercise with your knees on the ground;
  • The step can be performed on a simple step or, for the more trained, on a chair;
  • The exercise of the push-up and rotation it is very complex and requires strength and endurance, plus it is done at the end of the circuit, so if you encounter too much difficulty it is better to do the less intense variant.

In short, the important thing is to regulate yourself and be constant in training. After doing the 12 exercises in 7 minutes workout for a month, it can be monotonous to do the same exercises over and over, so don't be afraid to vary them.

12 exercises in 7 minutes: recommendations

  • To be effective, this 7-minute workout program must be performed at least 3 times a week;
  • The maximum benefits, explains the our fitness expert Giovanna Lecis, is obtained by performing the exercises at aintensity that must be between 80 and 90% of the maximum heart rate - therefore quite demanding - so, if you are not a trained athlete, do not overdo it;
  • Look at the table below to calculate your maximum heart rate;
  • To avoid the muscle pain or even worse trauma, heatedi before training and after doing some stretching exercise;
  • Hydrate well at the end of the circuit (drink tea, herbal tea or water);
  • Always respect the rest time between one exercise and another (10 seconds).
12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape


Before starting any sporting activity, ask your doctor for advice, who will assess your state of health.

In any case this 7-minute workout is not recommended a:

  • over 60
  • those who have not practiced sports for a long time
  • overweight people
  • those with joint problems
  • pregnant women
  • hypertensive
  • who has heart problems.

Training in 7 minutes: how to do the 12 exercises correctly

If you're having a hard time doing the training circuit, try using the timer video 7-minute workout for timing the succession of exercises.

1 – Jumping jacks

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Start standing, legs and arms together. She jumps by opening her legs and raising her arms. Return to the starting position.

Be careful about squeezing your abs so you don't hurt your back. 

Less intense alternative: put your hands on your hips or do some scissoring, always keeping your stomach in.

2 – Wall sit

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Standing against the wall, lean your back and bring your feet 20 cm from the wall. She slowly glides with her back until her legs are bent 90 degrees. Maintain the position.

National: if your quadriceps burn you, focus on breathing, always belly in.

Less intense variant: Do not bend your legs up to 90 degrees.

3 - Push-ups or push-ups

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Starting in the plank position, arms spread slightly wider than shoulder width. Do a push-up by bending your arms, elbows parallel to your body. To perform the movement well and not risk hurting yourself, keep your back straight and stomach inward throughout the exercise.

Less intense variant: Do push-ups on your knees, four-legged start.

4 - Crunch

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Lying on the floor, legs bent and back close to the floor. Inhale and, exhaling, bring your belly in and take your shoulders off the ground, being careful not to force the cervicals. Breathing in, he returns to the starting position.

Less intense variant: Place your legs bent 90 degrees on a chair.

5 – Step-up onto chair

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Get on and off the chair keeping your shoulders straight and your back straight, your buttocks contracted, your knees not stiff, your body stretched forward and your gaze in front of you.

Less intense variant: instead of a chair, use a step or step.

6 – Squat

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Start standing, legs shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly out and body weight perfectly centered. She bends her knees as if to sit on a chair, pull her buttocks back feeling the weight of her body on her heels.

Keep the torso straight, the abdomen active and the arms forward to facilitate balance during the descent phase.

Less intense variant: Do the sumo squat, legs apart and toes open at 45 degrees.

7 – Triceps dips on chair

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Sitting on the edge of the chair, place your hands on the edges, feet on the ground. He pushes on the arms and brings the body forward with the buttocks suspended, legs straight.

Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and drop your buttocks almost to the ground, with your legs bent and resting on your heels. Come up and back in extension by pushing on your arms and heels. During the descent, the buttocks must always remain close to the chair.

Less intense variant: The more you put your feet forward, the harder the exercise, the closer your feet are to the chair, the less difficulty you will have.

8 - Plank

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Kneeling with your elbows on the ground, bring your straight legs back resting your feet on your big toes and lift your pelvis.

Keep your back straight and parallel to the floor, stomach in and buttocks tight.

Very important: you never let your belly pop out. The cervicals must be in a neutral position, that is, in the extension of the body.

Less intense variant: do it reverse plank.

Giovanna Lecis' advice for perform the plank correctly and the 30 day plank challenge.

9 – Running on place

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Run in place alternating your arm with the opposite leg. The thrust must be performed only with the forefoot and the execution of the exercise must not be too fast or too slow.

When the exercise is easy for you to perform, you can increase the intensity by running with your knees high.

Less intense variant: walk fast on the spot.

10 - Lunges or lunges

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Start standing, legs parallel and hands on hips. Move your left leg forward while keeping your torso straight.

Bend your left leg until it forms a right angle, keeping your back straight and abs contracted. He returns to the starting position. Repeat the exercise by bending the right leg.

Less intense variant: do not descend to form a right angle.

11 – Push-up and rotation

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

This exercise is performed in two stages.

Push-ups are done first and then a torso rotation.

Starting position in the plank: the opening of the hands must be slightly greater than the width of the shoulders. It is essential to contract the abdominals and buttocks in order to always have a straight back.

Flex your arms and bring your chest to the ground. In the descent, she tries to respect the “chin, chest, thighs” rule: it means that these 3 parts of the body must come down together during the flexion.

When you return to the plank position, perform a torso rotation alternating once to the right, the next time to the left.

Less intense variant: do a opposite arms and legs.

Four-legged start, knees slightly apart, align hands perpendicular to shoulders and knees to pelvis.

La back must remain in a neutral position for the duration of the execution, the neck in line and the look at the mat, the stomach in.

As you exhale, raise your right arm and left leg in the extension of the back, then return to the quadrupedal position and perform the exercise on the other side.

12 – Side plank

12 exercises in 7 minutes: high-intensity workouts to tone you up and get back in shape

Lie on your left side with your back straight and your elbow on the ground, crossing your right leg stretched over your left. Breathing in, lift your hips off the ground while keeping your back straight.

Hold the position for 15 seconds. Switch sides and repeat the exercise on the right side, again for 15 seconds.


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