Kegel exercises: perineal gymnastics for men and women

Kegel exercises they are simple contractions to be performed during the day to tone the perineum in the woman and the pelvic floor for man.

There are muscles that are not seen but which are very important: both men and women should train them so as not to encounter ailments such as incontinence and to have one fulfilling sexuality.

As long as they perform their function correctly, no one cares, but it is essential to tone them up to prevent problems that can ruin your daily life.

What to do? First of all, you have to be aware of these muscles, then locate them and finally, perform specific exercises every day to train them.

The name of the exercises comes from the name of the doctor who invented them, i.e. Arnold Kegel an American gynecologist who first discovered the function and importance of training the pelvic floor for improve its tone and elasticity for the benefit of the uterus, urethra, bladder and rectum, supported by these muscles.

The perineum and the pelvic floor: where are they and what are they for?

The perineum is a set of muscles that are part of the pelvic floor; is located between the vagina and the anus for the woman and between the pubis and the anus for theman. 

The perineum allows you to control yours urinary and fecal flows, to support the baby during the pregnancy  but also to feel more pleasure during sexual intercourse.

The pelvic floor, or pubococcygeal muscles, is the set of muscles that runs from the pubic bone to the coccyx and serves to support the anus, bladder and uterus. Precisely for this reason it takes the name of "floor".

If you have doubts and are not sure if you have identified them, ask for advice from a specialist.

Perineum and pelvic floor in men

Il perineum in men it extends from the scrotum down to the anus.

The musculature that makes up the perineum helps to make up the pelvic floor and makes it possible to distinguish 3 portions: superficial, medium and deep.

Il deep perineal plane (or pelvic diaphragm) is bounded by the levator ani and inferiorly by the ischio-coccygeal muscle. The middle one (or uro-genital trine) presents the middle perineal fascia which is traveled by deep transverse muscle of the perineum. The superficial plane presents the middle and superficial perineal fascia where we find the penile lodge.

Functionally, the perineum has a fundamental role in supporting the pelvic organs, in urination and in sexual life.

Kegel exercises: perineal gymnastics for men and women

Female pelvic floor anatomy

Il female perineum consists of the set of soft parts that close the pelvis at the bottom, made up of muscles, ligaments and connective structures. Speaking of the perineum we refer to the area extending from the vagina to the anus.

Instead, in women, the perineum is lozenge-shaped and is formed by a cutaneous plane and a muscular-ligamentous-connective plane, which is part of the pelvic floor e performs pee control function and, in addition, it has the task of supporting the viscera and the fetus during pregnancy, as well as having a role in the sexual function.

Why are they weakening?

First observation: the standing position weighs on the entire pelvic floor.

Standing upright causes the muscles to have to support the weight of all our organs and that also the muscles of the pelvic floor weaken, even more so if you are in forte overweight.

Also, the sitting for many hours, often in the wrong position with the legs crossed and with the back bent forward, causes the perineal area atrophies.

Likewise, bad habits such as carrying a lot of weights or not exercising, ailments such as constipation or particular conditions that lead you to taking antidepressants they can weaken the pelvic floor.

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Causes and consequences of loss of firmness


The loss of tonicity in humans can be either of pathological origin (prostatic surgery) is of mechanical origin.

Weakening can result dysfunctions of the urinary system e incontinence but also problems of the sexual sphere, such as impotence and premature ejaculation.

Unfortunately they are dysfunctions that affect one ever increasing number of males, both young and adult. In fact, from the data recently released by the Spanish Society of Andrology and sexuality medicine, it turns out that at least 1 young on 20 between 18 and 20 years has suffered at least once in the past six months of erectile dysfunction. 

instead, 1 out of 4 Spagnano is suffering from premature ejaculation.  

these ailments could be effectively prevented with adequate stimulation of the perineum, such as the Kegel exercises.


It is wrong to think about the re-education of the perineum only after delivery as this muscle is very stressed in a woman's life.

With pregnancies, childbirth, advancing age, the consequences can be disastrous:

  • unsatisfactory sex life
  • urinary and anal incontinence
  • descent of organs.

Unfortunately this pathology is not linked only to age and since, in Spain, many women do not even do it re-education of the perineum after childbirth, problems can arise very soon.

Kegel exercises: perineal gymnastics for men and women

Kegel exercises for women

1 - Stop-pee exercise

You can start by working out in the bathroom with exercise "Stop-pee". It consists of blocking the flow of pee for a few seconds while you urinate.

This simple exercise helps you become aware of your Kegel muscle.

Once you are aware of this, in a sitting position, with your back straight, try to contract the pelvic floor muscle for at least 5 seconds.

Repeat the contractions doing 3 sets of 15. It's a simple and practical exercise, to perform anywhere while you work or while watching television. Every woman should practice as a healthy daily habit.

2 - The bridge

Kegel exercises: perineal gymnastics for men and women

Lying on the ground on your back, with your arms along your body, bend your legs by raising your knees.

Pushing on the feet, lift your hips off the ground with your knees combined and hold the position by contracting the perineum for 5 seconds.

Then, exhaling, return to the starting position. Repetitions: 3 series.

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3 - Exercise with the ball

Kegel exercises: perineal gymnastics for men and women

Sit down, straight back and belly in. Place a pilates ball or ring between your knees.

Apply pressure on the ball, first slowly (20 repetitions), then quickly (20). Contract the buttocks, thighs and perineum: the movement does not start from the squeezing of the knees but from the contraction of the leg muscles.

Do 3 sets.

4 - Standing exercise

Standing, legs straight, rotate your ankles outward and place a ball between them. Keeping the legs tight try to squeeze the ball between your ankles as much as you can.

Hold the position for 5 seconds. Do 10 sets.

Kegel exercises for men

One of the best known exercises is that of pee-stop, useful for becoming aware of the pelvic floor muscles. Perhaps the first time you perform this exercise you will be amazed that you cannot keep the contraction for more than 3 seconds.

 Once you have toned your perineum, the muscle will respond much more easily to your stresses. Then with the empty bladder try to contract the muscle for 5 seconds. Release for 5 seconds and resume the contraction.

As with all muscle work, it may be painful at first so start slow and work gradually.

The first week do 3 sets of 5 seconds every day and gradually incorporate exercise into your daily routine by increasing both the duration of the contraction and the number of sets.

You will notice the progress after a few weeks.

Below, other useful exercises for tone the pelvic floor in man.

Exercise on the chair

From a sitting position, contract your pelvic floor muscles e hold the contraction for 5 seconds. Release your muscles and relax for 10 seconds.

Repeat the exercise three times.

Belly-up exercise

From a lying position on your stomach, contract your pelvic floor slowly, e keep the contraction for 3 or 5 seconds. Remember not to hold your breath and not to squeeze your abdominal muscles, glutes and quadriceps. Relax your pelvic muscles slowly.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Exercise of the bridge

From a lying position raise your pelvis and contract i slightly pelvic floor muscles and stay in contraction for 5 seconds. Relax your muscles for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Kegel exercises for women: video tutorial

Kegel exercises with vaginal balls

Le geisha balls, also called vaginal balls, are devices designed to be used while performing Kegel exercises, for train the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor.

These accessories, coming into contact with the private parts, are made of suitable materials such as hypoallergenic medical silicone, one of the most used and widespread. Another widely used material is also the ceramic but you can also find them in metal.

In commerce and online it is possible to find gods kit with vaginal balls of different weights, to be used as you get results with the exercises, but also kit with electronic devices, ie real remote controls through which to activate the balls with which to massage the pelvic floor.

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Kegel exercises: perineal gymnastics for men and women

Prevention: sports and pelvic floor

The muscles of the pelvic floor they can also be strengthened with physical activity, for this reason it is important to have an active lifestyle because a sedentary lifestyle is the worst enemy of our health.

Practicing sports from an early age helps not only to keep fit, but also to prevent various problems and disorders, including pelvic floor prolapse.

Obviously, it must be remembered that not all sports are the same and who has pelvic muscle problems should avoid all of those high impact sports activities, which include jumps, such as artistic gymnastics and volleyball, but also the body building due to weight lifting.

Hence, it is better prefer activities like lo yoga or pilates, but also ballet and horse riding involving the muscles of the pelvis and improve blood circulation in the pelvic region toning your muscles.

In collaboration with Dr. Flavia Costanzi, surgeon in specialized training in Gynecology and Obstetrics.


Kegel exercises: perineal gymnastics for men and women
Kegel exercises: perineal gymnastics for men and women

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