Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

Il Body Pump is a fitness discipline that has its roots in the 90s. Invented by New Zealander Philip Mills, the Body Pump is an anaerobic workout that incorporates the exercises of the bodybuilding, accompanying them with music.

Specifically, it is a type of workout during which all muscle groups train, with weights and barbells, through a certain number of repetitions and sequences of exercises to the rhythm of music.

Mills' goal was to make weight training more fun, less rigid and static; this discipline over the years gained a large following, so much so that it revolutionized the way of conceiving the musical fitness and simple aerobic training.

Body pump: what it is

The term “pump” refers to the muscle pumping, precisely because during a lesson each muscle district is solicited with continuous repetitions to the rhythm of music, with the ultimate goal of increasing energy expenditure e improve muscle tone.

Body Pump is a new sport, which is having a lot of success among fitness enthusiasts.

It is a type of training, with which different muscle groups are stimulated simultaneously, through exercises and synchronized repetitions to the rhythm of music.

The Body Pump is mainly based on repetitions of the exercises, that is on the so called “Rep Effect”, Whose goal is to put stress on the muscles by performing as many repetitions as possible.

The tools used are dumbbells e rocker, mostly they are light weights in order to allow the correct execution of the exercises and facilitate the movements.

A lesson can last from 45 minutes to a maximum of 1 hour, and the whole lesson is accompanied by music. Rhythm is the cornerstone of the discipline. In fact, each piece of music must be suitable to accompany a specific exercise.

The importance of music during training

La music in this type of training is really essential, because it must accompany all the exercises of the whole workout session.

Therefore, each lesson must be built in close connection with the choice of musical pieces to be used, since the duration of each single song must accompany all the repetitions performed for "pumping "a single muscle band.

For example, for train the smallest muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps, it is important to opt for a piece of music with BPM, that is beats per minute, higher.

While, to do pump larger muscles, like the quadriceps and glutes, it is advisable to choose a track with lower BPM.

Example of a playlist for a body pump workout


The inventor of this fitness discipline was Philip Mills, who started this training because he wanted to make weight training less rigid and boring.

Hence, the New Zealander created this sport by merging aerobics with bodybuilding. From here was born not only the Body Pump, but the "Les Mills" method which has now become one of the main producers of e courses fitness patents.

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What tools and how to dress

Several are used during a Body Pump class tools, from barbells, with or without discs, to classic dumbbells, up to the step. The latter is used as a bench, or as a tool to make training more intense and aerobic, for example going up and down the step to the rhythm of music.

Instead, for what it's about clothing, it is advisable to wear something comfortable and, above all, made of technical and breathable fabric.

While, for footwear it is essential to choose sneakers comfortable, well cushioned and suitable for aerobic training.

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Body Pump: how a class is held

The training is based on different sequences of exercises of the same muscle group, repeated several times. Consequently, it is advisable to use light weights, since the important thing is not strength, but resistance.


A lesson begins with a first phase of heating, important to prepare the whole body to face the effort and to warm up the muscles.

Therefore, in this first phase of preparation, different exercises can be performed, such as the race on the spot, the jumping jacks, the circles of the arms, and a whole series of movements aimed at preparing the body for the actual training session.

Body pump workout  

After the warm-up phase, you are ready for the lesson, with which you go to train all the muscles according to a precise sequence. It starts from lower body, ie from the legs and buttocks, and then proceed there’upper body, then with the arms, chest and shoulders, concluding with the abdominal.

Each exercise is repeated about 20/25 times, or in terms of time for about 30/40 seconds. Therefore, the various muscle groups are subjected to constant effort for the entire duration of a piece of music, approximately for 3/4 minutes.

As for the exercises, the Body Pump takes them back from body building. Therefore, during a lesson the following are performed:

  • squatting
  • lunges
  • side and front lifts
  • deadlifts with semi-tense or straight legs
  • buttocks bridge with weights
  • take squat
  • Bulgarian squat etc.
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The lesson ends with 5/10 minutes to stretch all the muscle groups stressed during training.


Of course, if you are attending a Body Pump class for the first time, the advice is to start with very light weights and, above all, with empty rockers or without discs.

Also, it's good to start with no more than two or three workouts per week, and evaluate the stamina of your body from time to time.

Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

Benefits and advantages of the pump

This method has so many benefits, indeed because it is a total body workout, and manages to bring benefits to the whole body.

  1. Improve anaerobic and aerobic endurance
  2. helps tone the muscles
  3. accelerates the basal metabolic rate
  4. promotes weight loss when associated with a healthy and balanced diet
  5. reduces stress
  6. increases strength
  7. allows you to burn about 500 cal per lesson and, consequently, helps eliminate the accumulation of fat
  8. improves posture
  9. strengthens the tendons and bones.

Body Pump: Who can practice this type of training

This method is suitable for almost everyone, because the tools used do not have to be heavy and excessive.

It is good for those who want to resume train after a rest period, but also to those who simply want to lose weight, give tone and strength to the muscles without overloading bones and tendons.

Obviously, for the elderly or the pregnant women is not recommended, and it is always advisable to consult your doctor and gynecologist in advance, who will be able to evaluate and recommend the most suitable training for your state of health.

What are the possible disadvantages

The Pump has no particular contraindications, as long as the subject is in good health.

Obviously, this discipline is not recommended to whom:

  • suffer from pathologies affecting the cardio-circulatory and respiratory systems
  • you have problems with your back, knees and joints.
Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

deadlift-or-deadlift-pivotal-exercise-of-the-body-pump">Deadlift or deadlift: pivotal exercise of the body pump

It is one of the key exercises of body building, and to perform it correctly you need to move in sync and perfectly coordinate your legs and shoulders.

In a Body Pump class, this exercise is performed with two dumbbells, or, with a barbell.

Starting position

To do it, you need to place your legs slightly apart, in a natural way. There optimal location it is what you normally get when you are in an upright position.

Instead, regarding the feet distance, a good method to assume the most suitable one is to perform high jumps, the width of the feet with which you return to the ground is the most correct one to perform the exercise.  

Position of the hands

The hands should be placed on the knurling of the bar, and the grip should be as wide as the shoulders. Furthermore, there are different types of handle:

  • double prone: with hands facing you
  • hook: ie with the thumb placed under the other fingers to keep the barbell firmly in place
  • mista: that is, one hand in pronation and another in supination; this grip is considered very stable because it prevents the bar from slipping.


From a standing position, inhale and bring your belly in, squat down without squatting, and grab the bar. It is important to note that in the deadlift, the hips must be higher than when squatting in order to lift the weight correctly.

Instead, as far as the back is concerned it must keep the normal physiological curves of the spine, especially during the lifting phase of the barbell.

After grabbing the weight, do not go over your toes with your knees, raise the barbell slowly until you reach a standing position, contracting abdomen and buttocks simultaneously.


The detachment or deadlift it also has several variations, all of which can be performed during a Body Pump session:

  • sumo detachment: with the feet placed wider than the shoulders and with the arms between the legs
  • Romanian detachment: it differs because it does not start with the weight from the ground but from the top
  • deadlift with straight legs: it is done keeping the legs straight and the knees slightly bent.

Muscles involved

Furthermore, this exercise is really complete because it involves various muscle groups, such as:

  • quadriceps
  • calves
  • adductors, especially in the sumo deadlift
  • large buttock
  • trapeze
  • dorsal
  • forearms
  • lumbar
  • biceps.
Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up Sportstech AH300 2in1 innovative dumbbell set ...

Body Pump: the best exercises to do at home

Carry out Body Pump at home it is possible if you are trained and, above all, if you have some tools available, such as dumbbells or a barbell, even empty. Alternatively, it is possible train at home using water bottles as weights.

Obviously, before proceeding with the training it is essential undergo a medical examination.

Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

1 - Exercises for the legs

Among Body Pump exercises for the legs to be performed at home, we point out:


Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

It is an ever-present exercise in a Body Pump workout, and is perfect for toning the leg muscles and glutes.

How to do it? From an upright position, with your back straight and your abdomen well contracted, go down by bending your knees at 90 ° and back up, contracting your buttocks.

The advice is to place your hands on your hips and open your legs to the same width as your pelvis.

You can do it at home with free body, or to make the workout more intense even with two dumbbells of 1 or 5 kilos to be held tight in your hands.

Repeat the exercise for 3 sets of 25 repetitions.

Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up Amazon Basics - Pair of Neoprene Dumbbells, 2 x ...
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Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

Another exercise that is always present in a Body Pump class is the lunge.

To perform them, always from an upright position with a straight back and a contracted abdomen, bend the right leg forward, forming a 90 ° angle with the knee, while the left leg is stretched backwards.

In a Body Pump lesson the lunges are performed to the rhythm of the music, remaining in the position and springing. Obviously, always holding the weights in your hands in a static way or simultaneously performing the biceps, ie the curl with dumbbells.

Repeat the exercise for 3 sets per leg of 20 repetitions.


With your back straight and avoiding going over your toes with your knees, lift the barbell or dumbbells to a standing position, contracting your abdomen and buttocks at the same time.

Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

2 - Body pump: exercises for arms and shoulders

As for the arms and shoulders, here are the Body Pump exercises.


Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

These are the classic biceps to be performed while standing with the legs apart and slightly bent, holding the weights. From this position with your arms straight, flex your forearms, keeping your elbows still, and return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise for 3 sets of 20 repetitions.


Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

This triceps exercise is effective in eliminating the unsightly "curtain effect".

To perform the dip with weights from a standing position, with your legs slightly bent and spread at shoulder height, extend your arm up and bend your forearm bringing your weight behind your head, close to your shoulders.

Repeat the exercise for 3 sets of 15/20 repetitions.

Side stands

Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

An effective exercise for training the shoulders are the lateral raises; how are they performed? With two 1 or 2 kg dumbbells, start from a standing position with your knees slightly bent.

From here, keeping the dumbbells firmly in your hands, your back straight and your abdomen contracted, raise your arms keeping them parallel to the ground; hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

To involve and train more the trapeze, the advice is to raise and bring your arms over your shoulders.

Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

3 - Abs

Finally, a Body Pump workout at home let's move on to some exercises for the abdomen. Train the core it is essential for balance and to assume a correct posture even during normal daily activities.

Among the best exercises we point out the plank, sit ups and flutter kicks; the latter indicated for training lower abdominals.


Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

It's a isometric exercise, which involves the entire abdominal belt.

To perform it correctly, you must position yourself on a mat on your stomach, lifting yourself up with your elbows and toes firmly on the ground.

From here, with your legs straight and your abdomen stiff, bring your belly in and contract your buttocks. The important thing is to be able to maintain the position, without arching the back which must remain parallel to the floor.

Do this exercise for 3 sets of at least 30/35 seconds.

Sit ups

Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

It is a useful exercise for strengthen the entire abdominal wall. To perform it, you need to lie down on the ground with your feet firmly on the floor and your knees bent. With your hands behind your neck, raise your arms and torso up to your knees and slowly return to the starting position without ever touching the floor.

Do this exercise for 3 sets of 25 repetitions.

flutter kicks

Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

Useful for training the lower abdomen, this exercise is always performed lying down. Bring your belly in and lift both shoulders and legs off the ground at the same time.

Always try not to arch your back.

Do this exercise for 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

  1. Les Mills.


Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up
Body Pump: what it is, how to train, benefits and exercises to do at home to tone yourself up

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