Big calves: tips and exercises to thin them

I big calves represent a real discomfort for many women and are the most difficult obstacle to overcome with a weight loss diet. And the problem is that most of the time the extra centimeters in these areas are part of the DNA: strong constitution, hereditary baggage that requires to be modified huge sacrifices.

This is the case with the calves: many women hope to be able to slim them down withphysical activity, but there are some sports that risk having the opposite effect compared to the desired one, enhancing the muscle. It becomes essential, then, to identify the targeted and specific exercises, suitable for streamline the calvesotherwise the effort will be in vain and the results disastrous. Find out with Giovanna Lecis, fitness expert from OnlyBelleza, sports that can help you.

Giovanna Lecis' advice

I advise you to avoid all sports that make you go on forefoot because, since the calf is a plantar flexor, every time you go on your toes you do it, just think of the calves of classic dancers.
Better, for example, don't jump rope: it is excellent cardiovascular work, but going up and down on your toes makes your calves swell. The same goes for the fast run, where you use your toes most.
What I can advise you is to avoid jumps and hops. If you do step remember to rest your entire heel on the ground during the descent and not to stay on your toes (the secret is not to stray too far from the step).

Sports recommended and those to avoid

The ideal are activities that stretch the fibers: at the top of the ranking there are lo stretching and pilates, which also reduce muscle tension. Then the modern jazz dance, which does not include in the choreography the jumps that we find in all the other dances, those that risk strengthening the calves too much.

The most suitable sport would be the swimming, alternating different styles: the water tones and shapes the muscle without strengthening it too much. But if you can't or don't feel like going to the pool, go for it long aerobic walks, at a brisk pace.

To be avoided: Running is not recommended, outdoors and on the treadmill. With the bicycle you have to pay close attention: you should try to rest only your heels on the pedals and pedal with a light gear, which does not require much effort on the muscles.
The recommended activities for the care of the legs are however always of aerobic type and do not involve the use of large loads in the exercises, or intense and repeated efforts: thus the muscles improve in tone, shape themselves, but do not grow in volume.

3 exercises for slim calves

The calves are muscles and, as such, the only intervention to thin them is to remove the tension: one stretching that you lengthen them is an excellent ally to improve the situation. Unfortunately, localized weight loss does not exist: it would be too easy to decide the point to streamline and intervene in a localized way. However, here are some stretching exercises that can be useful for relieving tension in the calf muscles.

1 - Slender calves: stretch to stretch the muscle

Big calves: tips and exercises to thin them

At the wall: in an upright position, facing the wall, place your hands on the wall, bring one leg stretched back while keeping the heel on the floor, bend the other leg and push with both hands towards the wall: you will immediately feel the sensation of "stretching" of the calf of the leg extended behind. Hold the position for about 30 seconds and switch legs. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Variant: Always on the wall, in the same position as in the previous exercise: bend the leg that is behind, always trying to keep the heel on the ground, you will feel it stretch more towards the Achilles tendon. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds and switch legs. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

2 - Slender calves: The inverted V

Big calves: tips and exercises to thin them
In the inverted V position: press your hands by extending your arms, bring your pelvis up and straighten your legs, keeping the soles of your feet and, if possible, your heels on the ground.

3 - Slender calves: elastic-fitness

Big calves: tips and exercises to thin them

With the'elastic fitness: sitting with your legs straight and your back straight, place the elastic under the toe of your right foot like a hammer and hold it with both hands. She bends her arms and, keeping her back straight and legs straight, pulls the toe of her right foot towards you by stretching the elastic. Repeat the exercise with the left foot. Variation: lying on the ground, raise one leg to 90 degrees, put the hammer foot, place the elastic under the toe and, holding it with both hands, pull the foot towards you. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

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