Squat challenge: tone buttocks and legs in 30 days

After pilates and yoga, the latest fitness trend for tone buttocks e legs which is depopulating on social networks, such as Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram is the 30 days challenge squat!

A proper nutrition it is essential to help you tone your glutes and legs, but these muscles must also be constantly stressed to keep away pads and accumulations of fat.

The worst enemies of a relaxed lower back? The sedentary lifestyle, that is the bad habit of remaining seated all day. The solution? The squats.

Tone your glutes with the challenge squat

The challenge to do is the challenge squat because it is a program that promises toned buttocks and legs in 30 days by running a number of squatting per day.

Progressively increasing the number up to 250 repetitions. You can enhance the work using the kettlebell or weights but also the outrigger.

A real shock therapy against a problem that afflicts 90% of women, but this challenge is open to everyone: men, women who want to get back in shape.

What Are Squats For?

The squat is great to tone the buttocks and legs.

It is also one of the exercises to do at home without problems. It can be performed with weights or by exploiting the weight of the body. In one exercise, you can firm and tone your legs, buttocks and calves.

The muscles of the pelvis and of the pelvis also work during the execution back because it is of utmost importance to perform the movement with the belly in.

So, yours abdominal and the lower back will then be reinforced to maintain stability and a straight back. More, doing squats improves your cardiorespiratory system.

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Squat challenge: tone buttocks and legs in 30 days

30 days challenge squat

The formula for this program is very simple.

The first day you do 30 squat, the second 40, the third 50 and so on… until you get to 250 squats within a month.

Don't worry, every 5 days you can indulge yourself one day off, but don't think it's an easy workout because your heart rates will skyrocket when you hit 100 squats.

The important things are there steadiness and determination. Print the calendar and, every time you finish a session, check it out in red.

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Buttock squats: advantages

It costs nothing and allows you to train when you want and where you want, in the gym or at home watching television.

The important is perform the exercises correctly.

Squat challenge: tone buttocks and legs in 30 days

How to do the perfect squat

Squats can be performed with weights or using the weight of the body.

The muscles of the pelvis and back also work. Your abs and lower back will then be strengthened to maintain stability and a straight back.

Muscles involved:

  • quadriceps
  • Buttocks
  • Calves
  • Lumbar
  • Transverse. 

Starting standing, legs apart at the width of shoulders, toes turned slightly out, the weight of the body perfectly centered.

By bending your knees as if you were going to sit on a chair, bring your buttocks back by relieving your toes and feeling the weight of your body on your heels.

Keep your torso straight, the active abdomen and the arms forward to facilitate balance during the descent phase.

Return to the starting position.

OnlyBelleza's advice: fai stretching before and after squats. And, as with all the fitness programs we offer, be sure to be in good health before you start training!

Lo squat if done correctly has very few contraindications. However, if you have joint problems, it's best to ask a personal trainer for advice.

Simple, affordable and effective, this method has already seduced hundreds of thousands of sportsmen ... and what are you waiting for?


Squat challenge: tone buttocks and legs in 30 days
Squat challenge: tone buttocks and legs in 30 days

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