30 days superhero fitness challenge to overcome yourself with sport

Pronto per il 30 days superhero fitness challenge? Would you like to let go of bad habits and make sure everything is positive? The first step is to start eating healthy again, then resume the diet. The second is Playing sports, because sport helps you to have a lean and sculpted body and to lose weight without losing muscle tone. Not only that: it is excellent for health, for the back, for the heart, in short for the whole body! 

But playing sports means dedicating time to yourself and sometimes the will it takes to start a business falters. For this reason, Melarossa has created for you the "30 days superhero fitness challenge”, a 30 day fitness challenge for those who have little time but still want to work hard to get back in shape. 

“30 days superhero fitness challenge”: what it is

Is one total body workout scheme consisting of 3 exercises to be performed 6 days a week, for 7 days. 

Why "superhero"? First, because if you are used to living glued to the sofa, making the commitment to practice at least half an hour of sport a day for 30 consecutive days is a superhero undertaking! 

il 30 days superhero fitness challenge is a progressive workout that will make you overcome your limits slowly.

Second, because it is a progressive workout that will make you push your limits slowly. In fact, the repetitions of the exercises increase day by day, but gradually, so at the end of the 30 days, you will be able to perform more than 100 squats almost without feeling the fatigue. Do not you believe it? Challenge yourself!

This program can be performed at home, alone or in company, and requires no special equipment. Are energy, concentration, motivation, grit all qualities that you think do not belong to you? Accept our challenge and you will see that the changes will not only be physical but also psychological!

30 days superhero fitness challenge: who is it for?

This challenge is for everyone, men and women, to sit downthose who want to regain physical shape but also sportsmen or people who have simply decided to combine a sports activity with their diet. It is perfect for anyone who hears the desire to change but does not know where to start, for those who want to find a peaceful relationship with their body, for those who have low self-esteem and want to prove to themselves that "this time they can do it".

Why does the challenge work?

In life, finding the motivation to start a new project is essential, but it is also often the most difficult obstacle to overcome. In fact, it is for this reason that the challenges of all kinds are popular on social networks. Man loves challenges because having a defined goal gives grit and courage in times of difficulty or demotivation. So even those who do not have a strong spirit of competition are teased by the idea of sporting challenge, because putting oneself to the test and being able to overcome oneself is a source of great satisfaction.

If you are in a phase of your life in which you feel unmotivated to play sports, take part in our challenge. It is the right tool to get out of the routine and show yourself that you are capable of completing a project. Within a week, you will enjoy challenging yourself every day and see you can do it. You'll boost your self-esteem, as well as shape your physique!

30 days superhero fitness challenge: i consigli 

As with all fitness programs, make sure you are in good health before you start exercising. Before starting the circuit, dedicate at least 5 minutes to warm up and, at the end of the workout, stretch and loosen the muscles with at least 5 minutes of stretching

Even if you are very enthusiastic about this challenge, do not start in fourth! Surely, after a few days of training you will feel aches and pains joints that could lead you to give up, or after the day of rest you will be tempted to give up: this is normal!

The importance of doing the sit up correctly

Take some time on the first day read the recommendations carefully and  Captions (below) which help you to perform the 3 exercises correctly. Slowly try each position, perhaps in front of the mirror, to become aware of the right execution.

30 days superhero fitness challenge to overcome yourself with sport

How to train your mind to overcome this challenge

The important is don't give up and move on, because the purpose of the challenge is precisely this: to be able to complete the proposed training, for all 30 days.

Establish a fixed time and place to perform the challenge can help you to be constant. If you are tired in the morning and full of energy in the evening, train quietly after work and stick to that schedule. You can also decide to break the workout in two, that is to do the sumo squat in the morning and the mountain climber and sit-ups in the evening.

Furthermore,  Your body is always giving you signals, so listen to him and respect him: facing a challenge means overcoming yourself, but with intelligence. So if you're particularly tired one day, take breaks between sets.

The most important factors to complete this challenge are:

  • steadiness 
  • determination. 

Print the training plan, glue it to the wall and, every time you finish a session, put a cross. Viewing your progress will give you the oomph to keep going!

Think every day because you want to reach the finish line. Having clear your goals and being aware of the joy you will feel as you reach the thirtieth day will give you the strength to move forward, even in the face of difficulties.

Don't worry about the final number of reps you need to do - you might get discouraged and think you'll never make it! Focus on your daily training program every day: the challenge is to be able to do a little better, day after day.

30 days challenge: contraindications

If you are very overweight, suffer from slipped discs or have joint problems, focus only on the sit-ups and sumo squats.  

On the other hand, if you have heart problems or suffer from severe hypertension, talk to your doctor before starting this workout. Furthermore, the challenge is not recommended if you are pregnant.

30 days total body challenge: the program to print

30 days superhero fitness challenge to overcome yourself with sport

Reps and exercises

The challenge is toperform 30 exercises for 3 days that work the whole body, from the abdominals to the buttocks, from the legs to the arms, respecting the times of the table with 4 days of rest distributed throughout the month. 

The number of repetitions, or the execution times, progressively increase. Only in the 2 days preceding the rest day do you have to perform the same workload, so that your body adapts to that load to restart after rest with a greater load.

The exercises are the sumo squat, the sit up and the mountain climber. 

On the first day you have to do 15 sumo squats, 15 sit ups and 10 seconds of mountain climber. As you progress with the challenge, you will gradually increase the effort until you reach 120 sumo squats, 78 sit ups and almost 2 minutes of mountain climber. Does that seem like a lot to you? Don't be discouraged! The goal of the challenge is to tone up, so if you practice it scrupulously every day, you will improve your muscle strength and endurance and you will feel less and less fatigue.

Are you ready to accept the challenge?

How to do the exercises correctly

1 – I take a squat

30 days superhero fitness challenge to overcome yourself with sport

Start standing, with feet shoulder-width apart and toes open at 45 degrees, hands on hips and belly in. Inhale and, exhaling, perform a squat by bending your knees and keeping your back straight. Go down until you reach your maximum opening. Return to the starting position and repeat.

National: if you do not have very elastic adductor muscles and you cannot bring your legs parallel to the floor, do not force the opening! Over time you will be able to improve your performance.

It is an easy exercise to perform but it is important not to advance with the knees beyond the tip of the toes, not to arch the back on the descent and, on the ascent, not to stretch the legs abruptly with the risk of getting hurt.

Muscles involved: The sumo squat strengthens glutes, quadriceps, adductors and calves.

2 - Sit ups

30 days superhero fitness challenge to overcome yourself with sport

Starting in the supine position, bend your legs and place your feet on the ground, locking them under a piece of furniture or a bench. He brings his hands behind his neck, inhales and, exhaling, brings his belly in and raises his torso towards the knees. Keep your chin up, do not pull from the neck as the hands only serve as support for the head. Inhale and exhale, return to the starting position, pushing the belly in, anchoring the sacrum to the ground and descending vertebra after vertebra until the shoulders are resting on the ground.

National: it is very important to exhale during the climb, bringing the belly in to activate, in addition to the rectum, also the transverse muscle.

During the descent, it is equally important to descend vertebra by vertebra in order to better control the movement.

Muscles involved: the sit up strengthens the abdominal belt and especially the rectus abdominis. When done right, it is very effective for having a flat stomach.

3 – Mountain climber

30 days superhero fitness challenge to overcome yourself with sport

Get into the plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. He rests his palms and his toes on the ground. The body must be parallel to the floor, belly in and head and neck in extension of the body throughout the exercise.

Bend your right leg and bring your right knee to your chest while stretching your left leg back. Then, he stretches his right leg back by bending his left leg and bringing his left knee to his chest. Each time you have to perform a small jump to reverse the position.

National: when jumping, do not raise the pelvis too much, do not arch the lumbar area and keep the abdominals contracted in order to have greater balance. The mountain climber is a cardio exercise with adjustable intensity, so you can adjust the intensity according to your physical condition.

Muscles involved: the mountain climber strengthens the core (abdominal belt), legs, buttocks, pectorals and shoulders. In addition, it is a cardio exercise that raises the heart rate and improves metabolism.

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