Exercises to tone arms, neck and décolleté

Exercises to tone arms, neck and décolleté

Le arms and neckline they are delicate areas and you need to take great care of them. The years pass for everyone and with a few extra pounds and little physical activity, it happens to suddenly discover that the arms and décolleté are no longer tonic as in the past. With a few tricks you can prevent the relaxation that seemed inevitable! Just a few gestures to do daily to recover lost tone or maintain it!

Neck and décolleté

These areas are very fragile because they do not have real support muscles and therefore are subject to premature aging and wrinkles.

It is not enough to remove your make-up and moisturize yours face every day, you have to do the same on too neck e neckline and treat them like facial skin! You can use the body or face moisturizer if you don't want to buy a specific product, applying it with circular massages from the breast to the neck. In this way the blood circulation will be stimulated and "Fabrics they will be more toned.
Protect these areas by taking a lot Vitamin E, which you can find in milk, eggs and nuts.

Dull skin

To restore light to the skin, the most effective method is exfoliating: try OnlyBelleza's do-it-yourself exfoliants, they are inexpensive and very effective!
Before the shower, moisturize the skin and massage the exfoliating product, making circular movements all over the body to eliminate skin impurities.
Also remember to beer a lot, not only water, but also tea, herbal teas and smoothies.

Tone the breasts

Here are three tips to keep yours toned breast:

1) Exercises in the mirror: every morning, in the bathroom, legs stretched slightly open and belly in, bring your hands to the level of the chin, join them and intertwine your fingers. Apply light pressure to your palms and repeat this rapid movement in series 50 times. Repeat the sequence 3 times. Then hold the position by pushing for 50 seconds and repeat it 3 times.

2) Shower cold: cold water stimulates blood circulation, so take courage, even in winter, and sprinkle cold water on your breasts for 3 minutes when you are in the shower!

3) hydration: apply a generic or specific moisturizer, the important thing is to spread it correctly. Start in the center of the breast and make small circular movements work your way up to the neck.

Remember to take great care when purchasing a bra that supports yours well breast, it is very important for your health!

How to have toned arms

The number one enemy of arms is cellulite - don't let it settle on your arms permanently. After the age of 50 it arrives and it never goes away if you don't fight it! Unfortunately, there are no miracle creams. The password is: train!

If you have time to play a sport, OnlyBelleza recommends swimming or tennis. If not, here are some exercises to do every morning in front of the mirror. The important thing is to do them consistently to have toned arms!

In the bathroom, in the morning, lean your arms outstretched against the sink and move your stretched legs back to make a plank with your body. Raise your heels and keep your stomach in. Now bend your arms while inhaling and, with your body still straight, bring your chest as close to the sink as possible and then return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 10 times. As soon as you get used to it, do 3 sets of 10 pushups every day, they will give you the toned arms and sodas you want, or try the arm toning circuit by Giovanna Lecis!


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