Running training program: how to train and tables for beginners and experts

Following a running training program is ideal both to start running and to improve speed and endurance in running.

More and more men and women are entering the world of running. 

Running is an excellent solution for weight loss and for shake up the metabolism, to improve your cardiorespiratory and vascular condition, to feel better and have more energy. However, it is important to start this activity in the right way and to improve slowly. It is useless to immediately try a 30-minute daily run if you do not have the physical condition because you risk only getting hurt.

To make running synonymous with well-being it is therefore important to follow some rules such as choice of running shoe, it must be comfortable to have adequate foot support. Furthermore, it is also essential warm up, stretch  before and after running to avoid pain and injury, etc.

In Spain, according to a survey conducted for Fidal from the Piepoli Institute, the 51% run in the open air at least once a month and 17% 2-3 times a week. Many people, even the less sporty, wear shoes and a stopwatch and start running. 

Unfortunately, if not practiced in the right way, the traumas related to this sport can be frequent. At the origin of the injuries there are often a wrong technique, a inadequate training or a non-existent physical preparation.

Following a running training program is useful both to start and to improve.

OnlyBelleza offers you 4 progressive running programs to start, improve, run without thinking about how to train and without hurting yourself!

Running training program: what it is

A running training program is a default program that plans your workouts from the beginning to the end of your goals, because an important step for a runner is to set goals! 

Before starting to run you have to know why you run. There are those who run for pleasure and in that case you do not need a running program and you can safely continue running while still getting all the benefits of running. 

However, there are those who run to achieve the following goals:

  • improve their performance.
  • Being able to find the shape.
  • Lose weight.
  • Preparing for a marathon or a trail running.

The essential thing is not to rush through the stages and embark on impossible challenges: for this reason, follow a progressive training program is important.

The importance of having the right running shoes for running

It does not matter if you have recently decided to start running, or if you are already a marathoner, there choice of running shoes is essential and will constantly affect the quality of the practice of this sport.

It is not just a question of style, design or comfort but it is important to choose well to avoid injury or real injuries over time.

Find out the features important to choose the best running shoes.

Running training program: how to train and tables for beginners and experts

Running training program: which one to choose

If you want to run faster or run for a longer time, following a training plan is essential to train seriously respecting the basic concepts, such as the choice of shoes, the choice of the surface, without forgetting the heating nor the cool-down phase (cool down) and lo stretching after running.

Every program must be followed for several weeks before embarking on the next program.

The idea is to choose a program according to your training level.

In running, a winning way is to often change the type of training so as not to give the body the opportunity to adapt.

If you are already a started runner, you can safely start the interval training program or the running program for experts.

Also, running programs are important because they help you reach your goals without having to think every day about what you will need to do for optimize your training sessions.

If you are looking for motivation, running programs are for you.

Runners know this: when you run, it is the sensations that must prevail over everything else. So listen to your body, and if it sends you strange signals such as feeling uncomfortable or aching, stop.

It is important to know adapt your training sessions to your health and possibly shorten them, move them or even postpone them without scruples.

Although following a training program is useful, the advice is not to do it all year round!

I programs proposed below are ideal because they have a duration of 5 to 8 weeks: they are neither too short nor too long and they can help you stay motivated.

Instead, between one program and another, the advice is to run for 2 weeks without worrying about following a specific workout but only for the pleasure of running: you will notice, in fact, that progress is a consequence of the pleasure you have in training. So it is important to run only for pleasure!


The running training programs that we offer are suitable for those in good health.

Before starting, pay a visit to a sports doctor anyway which will certify the suitability for sports practice.

The running training programs they are not recommended to who:

  • is heavily overweight.
  • He has heart problems.
  • Suffering from back pain
  • He has joint problems.

Running training: 4 programs to improve

1 - Program for beginners

Running training program: how to train and tables for beginners and experts

Rule # 1 for approaching running is progressiveness: you must never attack your body because it is a fragile machine, made up of muscles, tendons, joints, heart, lungs.

A beginner's body needs time to adapt to the constraints of running. The same is true if you want to start running again after an injury: the advice is not to force it and, if you have any discomfort, repeat the program of the first week.

The goal of this beginner running program is to succeed, over 6 weeks, run 30 minutes without stopping and without being out of breath (that is, maintaining the ability to speak while running), training 2 times a week.

This program alternates running and walking, gradually increasing, from session to session, the running time in relation to the walking time. It is a more effective method to improve your performance without risking forcing.

When you reach the 30 minute goal, keep running for 2 weeks 30 minutes twice a week - at that point, you are ready to start the intermediate program!

Discover the training schedule for beginners.

2 - Running training: intermediate program for weight loss

Running training program: how to train and tables for beginners and experts

The program provides 6 weeks of work, with 3 workouts per week, which will take you to run for 10 km.

The days indicated are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday but, of course, you can change them according to your needs. The important thing is to avoid two consecutive running sessions.

This progressive training program focuses on distance and not time.

There is no intensity to aim for, everyone has their own pace and you have to run at your own pace, depending on your age and physical condition, listening to your body's signals to train effectively without wearing yourself out. 

If, after training, you feel like you can still keep running, it means that you have found the right pace for you.

This running training program for intermediates is great for:

  • lose weight.
  • Shake up the metabolism.
  • Improve your cardio-respiratory condition.
  • Feel better.
  • Have more energy.

When you have reached 10 km out of breath, you are ready to register for one of the many running races in Spain. Check out the calendar.

Discover the training schedule for running 10 km.

3 - Interval running program

Running training program: how to train and tables for beginners and experts

Interval training in running (10-20-30) it is a workout suitable for those who want to improve their performance.

It was developed by a Danish professor, Jens Bangsbo ofUniversity of Copenhagen, and consists inalternate periods of high intensity running with low intensity periods, all in a 30 minute workout.

To improve your time, the program must be followed 3 times a week for 7 weeks.

Heating before any physical activity it is essential, not only to avoid getting hurt but also to prepare the body and mind for the effort: in this program, 1 km of running at an average pace is proposed.

Within this program there are: 4 running blocks of 5 minutes each, followed by 2 minutes of walking.

Each block is divided into 5 intervals of 1 minute each: during each interval you have to run for 30 seconds at low intensity, for 20 seconds at medium intensity, for 10 seconds at maximum intensity.

Check out the table of interval training workout.

4 - Running training program for experts

Running training program: how to train and tables for beginners and experts

By now you are trained and the milestone of 15 km is upon us!

This expert training program aims to make you run for 15 consecutive kilometers. 

That's 4 workouts a week for 5 weeks. You can choose the days of training, just respect the rule of the day of rest between one workout and another.

In the expert program, the distance to travel is not always progressive: This allows your body to metabolize distance better. For example, in the last workout of the first week, you need to run 11km while in the week you start with 10km.

Also in this expert program you don't need a stopwatch because the goal is to improve your physical stamina.

Discover the training table for experts.

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