Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Walk at home o walking is a medium intensity endurance activity and low impact, that is, without jumps, perfect for keeping your cardiovascular system healthy and tone up in harmony, without damaging the joints.

The active walking program or walk at home is inspired by the famous videos ofAmerican Leslie Samson, well known author of walking at home programs. The basis is the walk on the spot + 7 steps inspired by aerobics, to be performed as a choreography, to create a aerobic work at graded intensity and thus burn more calories.

This program gives you the ability to increase or decrease the intensity training modulating it according to your level of physical preparation, for this it is suitable for people of every age, men and women, and even to whom is heavily overweight.

Walk at home: what is the active walking program

It's a four week program, to be performed at home, that combines classic walking with a series of steps :

  • walking back and forth.
  • Walk with your arms raised.
  • Step touch.
  • V-step.
  • Alternate kicks.
  • Alternating knee ups
  • Leg curl.

You must perform these steps for the time indicated in the table (è recommended to use a stopwatch to train). 

This training is progressive because, from week to week, increase both time and intensity of training: it starts with 20 minutes for arrive in 50 minutes of training.

To get results it is advisable train at least 3 times a week but 4/5 sessions per week can also be done. Also, to be consistent, set your training days precisely.

The choreography varies from week to week: the first day you will need some time to memorize the steps, but you will see that as you continue with the training, you will be able to perform the choreography in an increasingly natural way.

In weeks 2 and 4, to the choreography are added 10 minutes at a higher intensity, in which the steps are combined with the movements of the arms, to make you burn more calories.

Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Walk at home: benefits and calories burned

For the program to be effective, you must walk at a brisk pace that corresponds to a 'average pace between 7 and 9 Km / hour.

This is equivalent to doubling your normal pace. The body then works at 60-70% of its cardiac power and draws on its fat reserves to find the energy needed for effort.

However, don't feel like you have to go full speed to burn calories. take into account your state of health and above all pay attention to posture.

Throughout the training, maintain correct posture:

  • straight back.
  • Belly in.
  • Head and neck aligned with the column.

If you have the opportunity to train in front of a mirror, even better. In this way you can control your movements and perfect them in a correct postural position.

The activity must be continuous, without interruption, the steps are very simple and it is not necessary to have a lot of space in the house to perform them.

To increase the intensity, you have to increase the amplitude of the steps and of all movements by seeking greater displacement. For example, add to the step you are doing the arm work (up, out, diagonally), trying to keep control over the movements e coordinating arms and steps: this will increase the pulse.

Always start your workout with a 5-minute warm-up and do stretching at the end of the session.

The advice is to have a medical examination to check your state of health before starting the program.

Find out all tips for lose weight by walking.

Walk at home: exercises and illustrated steps

1 - Dynamic walk on site

Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Starting standing, perform a dynamic walk in place by raising your knees, look and torso straight, belly in.

2 - Walking back and forth

Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

March forwards and backwards keeping your torso straight, your eyes always facing you and your abs active.

3 - Walk back and forth with your arms

Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Keep walking back and forth adding arm movement. He brings his arms up and then, folding his arms, brings his hands to his shoulders.

4 – Step touch

Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Start with legs apart at the width of the pelvis. Hands on hips, belly in and shoulders outstretched. Bring the right leg towards the left leg, bend the knees slightly, placing the tip of the right foot on the ground.

Pushing on the tip of the foot, return to the opening bringing the weight of the body on the right leg.

Finally, bring the left leg towards the right leg, always bending the knees slightly and placing the tip of the left foot on the ground.

5 – V step

Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Step to be done in 4 steps. Starting standing, move the right foot forward and sideways (time 1) and perform the same movement with the left foot (time 2) in order to form a V.

Then bring your right foot back and towards the center (time 3). He performs the same movement with his left foot (time 4) and returns to the starting position.

6 - Alternating Kicks

Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Starting standing, legs slightly open. Throw your leg forward as if you were going to kick a ball without moving your torso, stomach in and shoulders straight.

Return to the starting position and perform the same throw with your right leg.

Be careful not to lift your leg too far off the ground. If you have problems with your balance, place your hand on a chair or wall.

7 - Alternating knee ups

Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Starting standing, legs open to the width of the pelvis. Lift your right knee and bring it to your left hand while keeping your torso straight.

Return to the starting position and perform the same movement on the other side.

8 – Leg curl

Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Starting standing, legs open to the width of the pelvis, arms along the body. Forcefully push the heel back as if to strike the buttock, the torso slightly forward. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

For even more effective results, do the toe exercise.

Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Walk at home: 4-week progressive training schedule

1 - First week

Total training time: 20 minutes. 3 workouts per week.

  • Simple travel: 3 minutes.
  • Walk back and forth:  2 mn.
  • March back and forth with arms: 3 mins.
  • Step touch: 2 mins.
  • V-step: with the right leg (1mn) + step-touch (2mn) + v-step with the left leg (1mn).
  • Alternate kicks: 2 mins.
  • Leg curl:  2 mn.
Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

2 - Walk at home: second week of training

Total training time: 30 minutes. 3 workouts per week.

  • Simple travel: 3 minutes.
  • Walk back and forth:  2 mn.
  • March back and forth with arms: 3 mins.
  • Step touch: 2 mins.
  • V-step: with the right leg (1mn) + step-touch (2mn) + v-step with the left leg (1mn).
  • Alternate kicks: 2 mins.
  • Leg curl:  2 mn.
  • 10 minutes at higher intensity using arm movements in the simpler steps.
Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

3 - Progressive active walking training: third week

Total training time: 40 minutes. 3 workouts per week.

  • Simple travel: 6 minutes.
  • Walk back and forth:  4 mn.
  • March back and forth with arms: 6 mins.
  • Step touch: 4 mins.
  • V-step: with the right leg (2 mn) + step-touch (4 mn) + v-step with the left leg (2 mn).
  • Alternate kicks: 4 mins.
  • Alternating knee ups: 4 mins.
  • Leg curl: 4 mins.
Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

4 - Fourth week of the walk at home program

Total training time: 50 minutes. 3 workouts per week.

  • Simple travel: 6 minutes.
  • Walk back and forth: 4 mins.
  • March back and forth with arms: 6 mins.
  • Step touch: 4 mins.
  • V-step: with the right leg (2 mn) + step-touch (4 mn) + v-step with the left leg (2 mn).
  • Alternate kicks: 4 mins.
  • Alternating knee ups: 4 mins.
  • Leg curl: 4 mins.
  • 10 minutes of walking steps of your choice with side arm or upward movement.  
Walk at home or active walking at home: 4-week program to burn calories

Walk at home: video by Leslie Sansone

After 4 weeks, you can continue with the videos of Leslie Sansone, creator of walk at home.

Here is a workout called 1 Mile happy walk to burn fat by walking. 1 thousand corresponds to about 1 kilometers.

The importance of the heart rate monitor for safe training

The advice to train safely is to equip yourself with a heart rate monitor for monitor the heart rate and be sure you are getting a real aerobic workout.

In fact, thanks to the heart rate monitor, you can monitor the intensity of your workout, which must be between the 65% and 80% of your heart rate maximum.

If you set your own age on the heart rate monitor, he will tell you what this frequency is.

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