Shoulder exercises: the best exercises and the dumbbell training program

Training the shoulders is not easy, this does not mean that there are no shoulder exercises to be performed directly at your home. Just buy a pair of 4 kg dumbbells and have a bit of goodwill to be able to perform the shoulder exercises and improve them.

In fact, not overweight dumbbells are needed, since the shoulder is a joint of movement that trains with low weights and exercises to be performed slowly and without jerking.

Now that you have your dumbbells available, there are three shoulder exercises that you can safely carry out at home and that will allow you to train the muscle better.

Caution: training the shoulders there is the risk of facing various injuries. For this you must always remember the heating before starting and making slow and controlled movements.

Shoulder exercises: training program

Training your shoulders every day does not allow you to recover properly and is counterproductive.

Just dedicate two days a week to training to have good results. You can also introduce these exercises within a full body circuit proposed by Giovanna Lecis, fitness expert at OnlyBelleza.

Training program to widen the shoulders

Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions of dumbbell thrusts, interspersed with 60 seconds of recovery.

Then move on to the side lifts, do 2 sets of 10 repetitions, reminding you of the 60 second rest between sets. In the end, conclude with the front lifts, 2 sets of 10 repetitions, interspersed with 60 seconds of recovery.

If you experience excessive effort during training, just decrease the weight of the dumbbells or the number of repetitions in each set.

Please note:: it is useless to excessively increase the weight of the dumbbells. Shoulder exercises require precise and slow movements.

For this it is better to train with lighter dumbbells that allow you to perform the exercise correctly.

The best shoulder exercises to develop muscles

1 - Pushing with dumbbells

Shoulder exercises: the best exercises and the dumbbell training program

Sit in a chair, with your legs firmly on the ground and the dumbbells in your hands. The starting position sees you with dumbbells at shoulder height and palms facing forward.

From this position, push the dumbbells towards each other until your arm is almost fully extended.

Finally, return to the starting position, paying great attention to carry out the movement slowly.

2 - Lateral raises

Shoulder exercises: the best exercises and the dumbbell training program

This exercise must be performed standing, with the legs slightly apart shoulder-width apart.

Grab the dumbbells and extend your arms to the sides of your body. Raise them by bending your elbow slightly and holding this slight crease throughout the movement.

Stop when you arrive with your arms at shoulder height and then slowly return to the starting position.

But you have to pay attention to a detail: during the lifting of the arms you must perform an external rotation of the humerus, turning not simply the hand but the entire arm.

3 - Shoulder exercises: front raises

Shoulder exercises: the best exercises and the dumbbell training program

This exercise allows you to improve the anterior part of the deltoid. As with the previous shoulder exercise, you need to stand with the dumbbells in your hands.

Extend your arms to the sides of your body and lift in front of you with your palms facing the ground.

The movement ends when you arrive with your arms in front of your eyes, then slowly return to the starting position.

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