How to get full and plump lips with natural techniques and methods

How to get full and plump lips with natural techniques and methods

You would like full, plump and sensual lips, but nature has given you thin, thin lips: what can you do to enlarge your lips naturally?

Natural products for full lips

There are probably no miracle methods and ingredients for plump lips, but it is certainly possible to lend nature a hand by taking care of your lips.

In fact, by moisturizing and stimulating the circulation of the lips, it is possible to counteract the signs of aging, minimize the loss of water from the tissues (responsible for the loss of firmness) and stimulate the production of collagen by the cells of the lips. epidermis. In addition, with some makeup tricks, the lips can appear fuller and plumper.

To get plump and swollen lips it is important to moisturize them daily and several times a day with a balm based on shea butter, vegetable oils and hyaluronic acid: these ingredients bring water to the tissues, hinder its evaporation and stimulate our cells to produce collagen. The result will be softer and fuller lips.

Once a week give your lips an extra pampering and prepare a gentle scrub to remove cuticles, stimulate circulation and further soften the skin: mix a teaspoon of brown sugar with a teaspoon of olive oil and massage gently on wet lips. Rinse with warm water and apply lip balm.

To make lips look fuller and plumper, pay attention to makeup: avoid matte lipsticks, which do not give those with thin lips; better to opt for a gloss that gives the illusion of fuller lips.

Beware of methods that promise to have plumped lips through a kind of "suction" of tissues, as your lips may appear fuller, but also red and irritated.

Also pay attention to natural ingredients that give. volume to the lips but that could irritate them. This is the case, for example, withchili oil: it is true that chili stimulates circulation and creates a temporary volumizing effect on the lips; however, pepper oil is irritating and people with delicate and particularly reactive skin may encounter discomfort and unsightly redness.

Before applying chili oil to the lips, test it on a small area of skin and observe the reaction of the epidermis in the hours following application. If you do not have any irritation or redness, you can try using it on your lips, perhaps adding it to a balm prepared by you.

homemade lip balm

To prepare a useful balm to moisturize and soften your lips you will need: shea butter, castor oil and wax (beeswax or vegetable, such as mimosa), in equal parts.

If your skin tolerates chili oil, use it instead of castor oil. Chili pepper oil is commercially available ready-made (for food use) but you can also prepare it at home by letting a handful of dried chili peppers macerate in olive oil for at least a week.

Exercises for full lips

It is called facial yoga the technique that promises to give volume to the lip in a natural way. These are specific exercises that allow you to tone the tissues and plump the lips while stimulating the activity of the cells to produce collagen.

The execution of the lip plumping exercises is simple and takes only a few minutes a day - it's worth a try if you want plump lips!

The exercises consist of simple daily gestures that are repeated for ten minutes a day. Before you begin, drink a glass of water, apply lip balm and stand in front of the mirror. Then proceed with the following set of exercises, repeating each exercise ten times:

  • Press the open hand over the lips and release the blowing hand with the lips, as if to send a kiss;
  • Contract your lips as if you were going to blow a kiss and hold this position for about ten seconds;
  • Open your mouth as if you were astonished and hold the position for ten seconds;
  • Inflate your cheeks alternately ten times.

At the end of the series, tap your lips with your hands for a few seconds to activate circulation.

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