Wrinkle creams, the Altroconsumo test reveals the bluff

Wrinkle creams are often a bluff. They promise miraculous results, unprecedented anti-aging effects, but the reality is very different.

There are no cosmetic products capable of erasing wrinkles. This result can only be achieved with cosmetic surgery. This was stated by Altroconsumo, the association for the protection and defense of consumers, which has tested some creams on the market.

Wrinkle creams: broken promises

Wrinkle creams promise to rejuvenate the skin and make wrinkles disappear, but they are exaggerated claims.

Skin aging is physiological and cannot be stopped by a serum or ointment, despite advertising campaigns to the contrary. No cosmetic can eliminate the signs of aging due to the natural loss of tone that occurs with the passage of time.

This does not mean that you do not need to use a good cream, the important thing is to be aware that the effect on reducing the depth of wrinkles is minimal, not visible.  

If you want to know more about the topic, read our in-depth article on Anti-wrinkle cream: how to choose it and the 10 best ones to try.

Wrinkle creams, the Altroconsumo test reveals the bluff

Skin: why it is important to take care of it

The skin is the border that separates our body from the outside world. It is a defense barrier against microorganisms and toxic substances. Its hydration is essential.

The natural one occurs through the activity of the hydrolipidic film that covers the surface of the skin. It is a mixture formed by a set of substances produced by the sweat (sweat), sebaceous (sebum) glands and by cellular elements present in the epidermis: a real protective mantle.

Its creams are used to promote hydration, especially if the skin is dry, it tends to crack and appear rough.

Skin, what makes it age

The skin ages both naturally and through bad habits. In particular, the causes are to be found in:

  • too frequent cleanings
  • use of too aggressive detergents
  • environmental conditions
  • advancing in age.

Regular use of moisturizing cosmetics. Sure they won't erase the signs of aging, but they will improve the health of our skin. And in the long run we could achieve some sort of "Anti-wrinkle effect", i.e. delaying the appearance of wrinkles and improving the appearance of the face.

Wrinkle creams, here are the ingredients

There are no substantial differences between classic creams and anti-wrinkle creams.

Their function is the same: moisturize the skin. What distinguishes a wrinkle cream is the presence of so-called active ingredients.

Among the most used ingredients:

  • hyaluronic acid
  • retinol
  • antioxidants such as vitamin E
  • coenzyme Q10

Their effectiveness in combating skin aging has no solid scientific evidence. Furthermore, they are often present in very scarce quantities.  

Wrinkle creams, Altroconsumo test results

In the test Altroconsumo, the best wrinkle cream turned out to be an expensive perfume cream, but an even more expensive product ranked last for poor quality.

Wrinkles won't go away if you use a wrinkle cream, but daily skin care is important to keep it hydrated and in good condition. So, when choosing a face care cream the important thing is don't be swayed by the price.

The cost of a cream is a marketing choice, because it is aimed at positioning the product in a certain range, but this is not related to the presence of precious ingredients (also because, as we said, these are often present in miserable quantities) or effectiveness. .

Wrinkles, tips for younger looking skin

In addition to the use of creams to keep the skin hydrated, there are some precautions to follow in everyday life to slow down skin aging:

  • reduce exposure to UV rays, avoiding exposure to the sun directly during the hottest hours;
  • protect yourself from sun exposure, through clothes and sunscreen products with filters;
  • stop smoking.

Source: Altroconsumo

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