Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications

It gives aancient Swiss recipe, oil 31 is born: a real bouquet of officinal herbs with multiple virtues. A indispensable magic potion to combat joint pain, swollen legs and feet, colds and insomnia. Furthermore, the herbal remedy has interesting cosmetic properties that make it a cure-all for skin and hair health. You can find it either at your trusted herbalist or online at a convenient price.

Among its components, there are peppermint, cinnamon, lemon, tea tree oil, vanilla, lavender, lemon balm, rosemary, cinnamon, lemon balm, dill, ginseng, etc. Thus, you will not only have the specific benefits of each of its 31 principles from this oil, but also an extra benefit! And it is the effect that all the components, mixed together, can bring to your well-being.

Not to mention the perfume emanating from this oil. You will feel the sweetness of orange, the freshness of lemon and mint, the spiciness of garlic. In fact, in aromatherapy, oil 31 is widely used as a tonic and revitalizing agent.

Oil 31: what it is

It is a remedy made on the basis of an ancient Swiss recipe created by the Camaldolese monks.

It is a completely natural herbal product consisting of ben 31 officinal herbs that work in synergy with each other. Thanks to this peculiarity, many are attributed to oil 31 beneficial therapeutic properties for the human body. In fact it is known as'universal remedy'.

The herbal product is obtained using the essential oils extracted from the leaves, roots and berries of certain healing herbs.

Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications L'Angelica Olio D'Erbe 31, Essential Oils Blend ...
  • OIL 31: Blend of essential oils for the care and beauty of the body. Contains no alcohol, no ...
  • MULTIPURPOSE: can be used for tired muscles, relaxation, foot bath, tired legs, ...
  • INGREDIENTS: blend of pure and 100% natural essential oils, with extracts obtained from 31 ...
9,95 EUR

What herbs does the oil contain 31

The oil absorbs quickly and they are just a few drops are enough to benefit from its therapeutic effects. For this reason, the product can be defined as having a long duration.

In particular, in the basic formulation, these plants are used:

  • peppermint
  • orange
  • eucalyptus
  • Juniper
  • dill
  • sage
  • thyme
  • rosemary
  • Siberian fir
  • Scots pine
  • cumin
  • coriander
  • anise
  • cinnamon
  • cloves
  • lavender essence
  • lemon
  • bitter orange
  • Origan
  • pepper
  • boswellia
  • vanilla
  • patchouli
  • melissa
  • artemisia
  • ylang-ylang
  • jasmine
  • fennel
  • citronella
  • roman mint
  • camphor.

Other preparations

In other formulations, you can also find:

  • nutmeg
  • cashout
  • myrrh
  • carnation
  • rose wood
  • chamomile
  • basil
  • wintergreen
  • pale iris
  • ginseng
  • benzoino
  • celery
  • violetta
  • cypress
  • myrtle
Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications
Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications Retinol Complex Oil with 31 Herbs without Parabens, ...
  • Useful against: Cold - Headache - Back pain - Crevicale - Abdominal cramps - Stress - ...
  • Oil composed of precious essential oils, with numerous beneficial effects.
  • Useful for home massages before and after physical exertion, with a balsamic, relaxing effect.
6,06 EUR

Benefits of oil 31

Herbal properties

Pain relieving action

Oil 31 is a valid remedy useful for relieving painful symptoms of various types. In fact it is used to counter lumbar, cervical and joint pains

If, during application, you feel an uncomfortable burning sensation, you can incorporate some drop of the remedy into a moisturizer. Then apply the mixture proceeding with a light circular massage on the part of the suffering body.

The Swiss remedy is capable of also soothe migraines and menstrual pains.

Oil 31 excellent anti-fatigue

For all kinds of hassles inflammatory origin, circulatory or from muscle fatigue, you can try its beneficial properties

The herbal blend is a godsend for tiredness and heaviness in the lower limbs, affecting the legs and feet.

It is sufficient to proceed with a regenerating foot bath in hot water, with the addition of a few drops and a teaspoon of sweet almond oil. In this way you give a boost of energy to the muscles tired from a high-intensity sport activity.

Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications Organic 31 Herbs Oil 100 ml Natural Toning ...
  • ✅ IDEAL FOR MASSAGES - You can use it on the whole body also as a soothing for pain ...
  • ✅ NOT Greasy - Dries quickly and leaves a pleasant persistent scent.
  • ✅ ENERGIZING ACTION - Stimulates and tones the skin when added in the bath.
19,99 EUR

How to use oil 31

for legs swollen and tired try 3 to 6 drops of oil 31 diluted in a normal massage oil and pamper yourself with movements that go from the periphery of your body to the pubis.

Do the same thing after making one more intense sport than usual and that has particularly fatigued you. This time try a nice warm bath with 20 drops of oil 31 and soak for about twenty 20 minutes.

Finally, for pains of inflammatory origin, such as headache, cervical or lower back pain, try diluting 8 to 10 drops in the cream or oil you usually use.

Otherwise, for a more intense balsamic effect, massage a few drops of oil 31 directly on the area to be treated.

Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications Beurer IH 26 Spray with Nasal Doccia e Accessori...
  • Compressed air aerosol for the treatment of the upper and lower respiratory tract, ...
  • Compressed air technology allows the creation of very small aerosol particles, in ...
  • High percentage of particles spread in the lungs
50,98 EUR

Balsamic and purifying action

Oil 31 protects us from ailments resulting from exposure to an excessively harsh climate.

The synergistic action of the remedy deriving from the regenerating and balsamic properties makes Swiss oil useful in the treatment of respiratory tract diseases.

In particular, it is successfully used in the treatment of:

  • cough
  • bronchitis
  • cold.

To benefit from its effects you can proceed with the aerosol or through the inhalation of the aroma, adding a few drops on a paper handkerchief or on the pillow.

Alternatively, it is possible to aspirate the essence released by the oil 31 directly from the vial. This way, you will have immediate relief of the airways.

You can also do a simple massage on the forehead, chest and throat to obtain an instant balsamic action. 

Natural remedy to fight insomnia

The Swiss remedy helps fight insomnia. To benefit from the sedative action of the remedy, just add to the aerosol a few drops of the oil and inhale the vapors emitted.

By repeating this ritual constantly, you can finally enjoy a good restful sleep and then wake up full of energy.

Cosmetic properties of oil 31

Purifies impure skin

Oil 31 is an excellent ally in the fight against blackheads and oily skin blemishes. Since pimples and acne consist of inflammation of the hair bulbs, the antiseptic action exerted by the oil 31 performs an effective action in this context. 

Counteracts irritation after hair removal

Thanks to the antibacterial and antiseptic action, oil 31 is considered an excellent natural disinfectant.

In particular, it is used for treat minor wounds, cuts and scrapes.

In addition, the Swiss remedy is often used to soothe skin irritations due to shaving or hair removal.

Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications
Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications The Herbal Tradition Forsan - Oil 31 Herbs ...
  • Oil 31 is a blend of pure essential oils extracted from herbs, leaves, roots and berries of 31 ...
  • The Forsan Herbal Tradition Oil 31 is lightly greasy, delicate, suitable for use ...
  • The Forsan Herbal Tradition Oil 31 has powerful balsamic, fluidifying, ...
10,49 EUR

Oil 31: how to use it

Since it is a highly concentrated natural remedy, we recommend diluting it in water or mixing it with another carrier oil. Excellent pairing with sweet almond oil.

It should be remembered that the remedy can only be used for external use.

1 - Therapeutic uses

Treatments against seasonal ailments

To treat colds, you can either inhale the aroma directly or carry out fumigations (steam inhalations). To carry out fumigations, ten drops of the Swiss remedy are enough for every liter of boiling water.

Wait a few minutes for the water temperature to cool down slightly to avoid burns. Then inhale deeply from the nostrils, the vapors released. To prevent volatile substances from dispersing into the environment, cover your head with a cloth. Settle about 30 cm from the water, and proceed with inhalation for about ten minutes.

Repeat the therapy several times a day, until the symptoms disappear.

How to relieve migraines and neck pains

It is sufficient to carry out a light massage by applying a few drops of the remedy on the forehead and neck for immediate relief.

Oil 31 for menstrual pain

During the pre-cycle period, apply a few drops of the remedy on the lower abdomen, in order to relieve the painful symptoms.

How to use oil 31 to soothe a toothache

The Swiss remedy can be also used as an antiseptic mouthwash. Add a few drops of the herbal mixture to a glass of water and rinse.

Also, if you suffer from toothache, apply a drop of the remedy on the aching tooth and then rinse with plenty of water to soothe the pain.

instead, if you have sore gums, mix two drops of the Swiss remedy in a glass of water and gargle. Repeat the rinses until the disorder is resolved.

To perfume the breath

With oil 31, it is possible treat bad breath and, at the same time, sanitize the oral cavity.

 Just gargle by mixing a few drops of the Swiss remedy in a glass of water. In particular, this treatment is ideal for smokers.

How to soothe joint pain

Spread a few drops of oil 31 on the suffering area and repeat the treatment for a few days, the discomfort will be alleviated in a surprising way.

Natural remedy for swollen legs and feet

Add a few drops of the precious remedy in a basin with hot water, soak the feet for about 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can improve microcirculation by simply applying 31 oil with a circular massage.

The latter treatment can also be used effectively in the treatment offungal infection which gives rise to athlete's foot.

Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications OIL 31 KRAUTEROL 100ml Sangalli
  • 31 Krauterol oil is an Original herbal oil containing 31 pure essential oils according to ...
12,95 EUR

2 - Cosmetic action

Anti-aging action

To counteract the onset of wrinkles and at the same time have a soft and purified skin, add a few drops of the remedy in your moisturizer, having care to avoid the eye area.

Post-shaving remedy of the beard

Pour a few drops of oil 31 on the palm of your hand and proceed with massaging your face, in this way you will have a fresh and irritation-free skin.

To prevent dandruff

Add a few drops of the miraculous remedy to the shampoo and proceed with a scalp massage.

Oil 31 as an after sun remedy

You can benefit from the soothing and refreshing properties of oil 31 by incorporating a few drops of the mixture into the bubble bath.

Alternatively, you can apply the Swiss herbal preparation with a gentle massage that starts from the ankles and reaches the calves. In this way, you will have an immediate feeling of well-being.

Oil 31 in aromatherapy

In addition, the herbal remedy is used in a peculiar branch of alternative medicine, through the use of diffusers.

The essence of oil 31 is released into the environment and carries out its own energizing and toning action. In particular, this therapy is useful for counteracting low mood, giving the suffering subject a burst of energy.

3 - Domestic uses

Oil 31 is a ideal product also for home care, As is able to purify the air within a home environment. To achieve this, just pour a few drops of the Swiss remedy into the radiator pan.

perfume cabinets and drawers, just put a few drops on a cotton ball inside a cloth bag.

Furthermore, you can sanitize the laundry, adding a minimum quantity of oil 31 to the detergent for the washing machine.


The oil 31 should not be used on wounds and if you want to apply the product on the mucous membranes it must necessarily be diluted. In subjects hypersensitive to some active components present in the Swiss mixture, it can cause allergic reactions.

The remedy must be used only in small doses and for external use. 

It is recommended not to apply the herbal mixture on children and to do not use it during pregnancy and lactation. Also, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly after using 31 oil because the remedy is particularly irritating to the eyes.

Oil 31: where to buy it

Oil 31 is available in herbal medicine shops, pharmacies and some specialized online retailers.

Choose pure products, 100% natural and free of chemical additives.

The price of the Swiss blend yes around 15 euros in the 100 ml format.


Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications
Oil 31: the miraculous blend of properties, benefits, methods of use and contraindications
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