Nail biting: 6 ways to stop

It may seem trivial, but biting your nails it is a problem that concerns not only the little ones as many might imagine.

It also concerns adults who, due to various problems, can fall into this bad habit.

This bad habit doesn't just affect aesthetics, as you might think.

Onychophagy: what is it

Nail biting or nail biting is a obsessive disorder which leads to unleashing one's anxieties in biting one's nails.  

It can also affect the health, being the cause of infections and inflammation.

Hence, for this reason it is extremely important to stop biting your nails.

There are some simple remedies that can help you.

Onychophagy: try to understand the causes

It is certainly a fundamental step.

Understanding why you have this irrepressible urge to bite your nails it is the basis for quitting. Let it be bored, stress, anxiety or a physical problem such as the presence of cuticles. In fact, understanding what triggers this bad habit is the first step in leaving it behind.

Try to release the stress

It can be one of the triggers.

For this to practice asport activity it can release stress and tension, making you feel more relaxed and away from the urge to bite your nails.

Biting your nails: when to see a doctor

If all your attempts have failed, you should seek help from a doctor who can help you.

Often at the basis of these behaviors there can be psychological or emotional discomforti, which can be solved with the help of an experienced professional.

Nail biting: consequences

There are many problems that arise from the bad habit of biting your nails.

First of all, you can experiencing pain, bleeding and redness of the nail bed.

Furthermore, it can cause damage to the portion of skin at the base and sides of the nail: the cuticles, which we commonly refer to as pellicine. When these are removed improperly the area can become susceptible to bacterial or viral infections.

Moreover, those who tend to bite their nails can bring the microorganisms deposited under them into their mouth. But, onychophagy can also provoke gum lesions, wear of the incisors, mouth infections and more.

Nail biting: 6 ways to stop

Nail biting: the remedies

There can be many ways to eliminate this habit from your life. OnlyBelleza recommends some that can help you quit.

1 - Cut your nails

Nail biting: 6 ways to stop

It may seem trivial but it is perhaps the first thing to do to combat nail biting. In fact, keep of manicured nails and very short can avoid the desire to bite them.

Trying to give them a rounded profile prevents them from creating angular shapes, which can trigger the desire to bite your nails.

2 - Take care of your nails

Nail biting: 6 ways to stop

Keeping nails clean and manicured can be a step not to be overlooked. Hand cleaning is very important to avoid the development of infections.

Also, giving your hands and nails a nice look can motivate you and help you quit.

3 - Chewing gum

Nail biting: 6 ways to stop

Many times it is enough to get distracted to avoid running into this vice. Chewing relies on another bodily stimulus that can distract from nail biting.

This is why chewing gum, perhaps without sugar, can help you.

4 - Bitter nail polish and more

Nail biting: 6 ways to stop

There are nail polishes with an annoying taste in the pharmacy which, if applied regularly on the nails, can discourage this bad habit.

Alternatively you could apply del lemon juice which will have the same effect or thegarlic, onion, grapefruit juice,vinegar.

In short, anything that can have an unpleasant taste.

5 - Apply patches or gloves

Nail biting: 6 ways to stop

Maybe some drastic but certainly effective remedies. Wear two gloves it may seem trivial, but it certainly can be useful for not biting your nails.

The same goes for the patches. Applying them with the gauze part on the nail can be a good remedy for nail biting.

6 - Onychophagy: try to change your habits

Nail biting: 6 ways to stop

To avoid biting your nails, you can try to get involved in another activity.

To draw, embroider or do anything else will keep your hands busy and help you overcome the urge to bite your nails.


Nail biting: 6 ways to stop
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