6 reasons to choose a wellness stay

Spending a few days in a wellness center means regenerating the body and spirit through relaxation programs, healthy nutrition, sports and personalized treatments to purify and regenerate, inside and out. Stress and the frenetic rhythms of daily life lead you to accumulate tension and never find the time to take care of yourself: a wellness stay is the right solution to switch off and take refuge in an oasis of tranquility where you can find your shape and balance.

OnlyBelleza met a center specialized in health and wellness stays, the Adler Balance Spa & Health in Ortisei, in Val Gardena, in the heart of the Dolomites, to tell you about the benefits of a holiday in a spa.
Health, Adler Balance explained to us, is a treasure that comes from the harmony of 5 columns, around which the services and packages of the wellness center revolve: the diagnosis, because only after a careful check up is it possible to plan a path personalized and therefore effective health; nutrition, because eating healthy is the best medicine and the key to feeling good and staying fit; inner balance, because learning to manage stress means finding the serenity and strength to achieve one's goals; sport, a source of physical and mental well-being that must become a daily habit; specific treatments with which to intervene in a targeted way to correct imperfections or treat ailments.
In short, if a holiday is always a moment of pleasure and relaxation, that in a wellness center is even more so because, by combining these 5 pillars in a personalized program for body, mind and spirit, it purifies and regenerates you in a natural way. , it teaches you to relax your body and physique, it helps you to see yourself more beautiful and younger and also to regain your shape. It is a condensation of well-being that, in a few days - a week or even just a weekend - gets you back on track thanks to the work of many specialists who take care of you and accompany you on the path to your health, teaching you many healthy habits that you can then adopt permanently once you get home.
Here are 6 reasons to choose a wellness stay, told for OnlyBelleza by the Adler Balance team:

To fight stress and find inner balance


6 reasons to choose a wellness stayThe daily grind is always a great chaos. You do nothing but run, work commitments give you the torment and in addition there is the house to take care of, the children and the family to take care of and your mind goes haywire. Then there are those moments of calm when you have the sensation of breathing, of having finally found a balance. But just when you are about to relax, here comes a nice grain and you are sucked into the vortex of stress. That life! To fight it you have tried them all: many relaxation techniques, from massage to sport. But it is difficult to find peace again if you don't decide to unplug for a while. Maybe it's time to get a change of scenery and take a few days all to yourself to spend in a wellness center! You will be calm and you will be able to experiment many avant-garde methods to finally find the lost serenity. At Adler Balance, for example, stress and tension are overcome with mental coaching, a technique that is part of a Mind & Spirit program that strengthens psycho-physical relaxation, improves the quality of sleep, strengthens the perception of the self, increases the energy potential and promotes emotional balance. Fighting stress will help you live a better life and have iron health!

To take care of your health


6 reasons to choose a wellness stayIf you want to be in shape in twenty years, you have to think about it now! Today we all have a stressful life and our organism adapts, more or less, to this infernal rhythm, society asks you to be efficient and productive and, in doing so, pushes you to live in the present and not care about a fundamental stage of your life: old age. Instead, it is important to safeguard your health capital right now!
This is why prevention is essential! How many times have you wanted to have blood tests but didn't have time at home? A wellness stay is also useful for this! If you choose Adler Balance, for example, you can take advantage of the holiday to perform blood tests to detect any dysfunctions in the initial phase and undergo specialized medical examinations with personalized check-ups according to your age and gender! Your health is the most important thing, give it some time!

To change your eating habits


6 reasons to choose a wellness stay“I don't have time to do the shopping”, “I don't know how to cook”… how many times have these thoughts led you to neglect your diet? The result is that you have put on a few pounds and you feel bloated, weighted and without energy. A few days all for you in a wellness center is an opportunity to reverse course: thanks to the advice of a team of specialized doctors you can become more aware of your habits at the table and learn how to correct them not only to lose weight, but also to regain well-being, strength and vitality. Being overweight, in fact, is only one of the consequences of a poor diet, but eating unbalanced has negative effects on the health of your whole body. You know, for example, that incorrect habits at the table can overload and strain your intestinal system, which in this way becomes lazy, causes a stagnation of energy and prevents you from properly assimilating the nutrients you need, until you determine over time a intoxication of the whole organism? Certain diseases such as hypertension, adult diabetes, bone and joint problems, allergies and digestive disorders can be addressed by paying attention to what you eat. Whether you want to lose weight and regain shape or purify and regenerate yourself, what place is more pleasant than a wellness center to start with? At Adler Balance you will find a staff of doctors and nutritionists ready to analyze your clinical picture and give you advice and personalized food programs with which to start your path of change.
A team of chefs will spoil you with many healthy and tasty recipes, prepared with regional, fresh and seasonal ingredients.
Here is a taste for OnlyBelleza that you can also prepare at home ... so, after the full immersion of healthy eating at the wellness center, you will have no excuse not to continue eating with balance and you can transform these new habits into a lifestyle to be adopted by everyone. the days!

Discover the recipes of Adler Balance

Warm lentil salad

6 reasons to choose a wellness stay

Recipe from Adler Balance

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 150 gr of dried lentils
  • 4 cups of vegetable broth
  • 150 gr of mushrooms
  • 8 cherry tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 sprig of thyme chives
  • basil
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • whole sea salt
  • ground pepper


Leave the lentils soaking in fresh water for a few minutes (not overnight). Throw away the water and rinse the lentils under running water. Put the lentils to cook in the vegetable broth and leave to simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then pour. Clean and cut into slices i mushrooms. Cut into 4 i Cherry tomatoes. Cut the onions ring. Heat up theolive oil in a pan, add the mushrooms and brown them a little. Then add the onions, the Cherry tomatoes and thyme. Let it go for a few minutes on low heat. Add the lentils, thechive and basil shredded and mix everything carefully. Flavor with lemon juiceLittle sale e pepper. Serve hot.

Tofu con verdure

6 reasons to choose a wellness stay

Recipe from Adler Balance

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 2 teaspoons of shredded ginger
  • 2 teaspoons of tomato pulp
  • 1 teaspoon of medium spicy mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 200 gr of tofu
  • 100 gr of brown rice
  • 2 celery sticks (about 150 g)
  • 1 yellow pepper (about 150 g)
  • 200 gr of carrots
  • 100 gr of green beans whole sea salt ground pepper
  • fresh


For the marinade: mix 1 tablespoon of extravirgin olive oil with the shredded ginger, mustard, soy sauce and tomato pulp. Cut the tofu into large 2 × 2 cm cubes and put it in the marinade for 20-25 minutes. Cook the brown rice. Wash the celery and pepper and cut them into thin rings or strips. Peel the carrots and cut them into long strips. Wash and cut i green beans into 2-3 cm long pieces and cook them in salted water for 5 minutes. Heat some olive oil in a wok or pan with high sides. Remove the pieces of tofu from the marinade, put them in the wok and cook them. Add the rest of the marinade and the cooked rice to the wok.

Potato soup

6 reasons to choose a wellness stay

Recipe from Adler Balance

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 125 grams of floury potatoes
  • ½ liter of water with 2 teaspoons of aromatic herbs or ½ liter of vegetable broth
  • ½ teaspoon of marjoram
  • ½ teaspoon of thyme
  • ½ teaspoon of ground cumin
  • ½ bay leaf
  • ½ tablespoon of sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon of oat or rice milk
  • ½ teaspoon of pesto or fresh aromatic herbs, finely chopped
  • grated nutmeg
  • whole sea salt


Dice the potatoes peeled, put them in the pot, add the water or vegetable broth and salt moderately. Flavor with marjoram, thyme, cumin and bay leaf. Cook until the potatoes are tender. Remove the bay leaf. Mix everything with the mixer and season with the nutmeg. Add the pesto or herbs. Add the sour cream and serve.

To discover the elixir of youth


6 reasons to choose a wellness stayGoodbye stressed skin, goodbye signs of aging: thanks to aesthetic and anti-aging medicine you can keep your beauty intact, keep yourself agile and fit and enjoy good health despite the passing of time. "Aging in beauty" is not a dream and at Adler Balance you can try cutting-edge treatments to preserve the youth of the face and body: peeling, laser therapy, biolifting with hyaluronic acid, carboxytherapy, mesotherapy to fight cellulite or to improve circulation . The center's team of specialists will help you build a personalized anti-aging path.
Then continue to take care of your body even at home, using Adler Balance's beauty products for the face with red grapes. Red grapes will help you and fight aging, purify the skin, brighten the face and reduce the signs of aging, thanks to the polyphenols present in the grapes: you will start a process of continuous purification and regeneration of the skin and you will effectively fight skin aging.

To rediscover the desire to play sports


6 reasons to choose a wellness stayOnly targeted and regular physical exercise guarantees a healthy and active life. Sport is a way to feel good about yourself, especially when, after the age of 40, you begin to feel pain in your back and joints and have less energy. Physical activity is essential to live a long and healthy life and many researches have shown this. The difficulty for those who start playing sports is the fear of making false steps or of choosing an activity that is not suitable for their goals and training level, with the risk of obtaining the opposite effect, of getting hurt or of being a victim of some physical problem. An important tip for choosing the right sport for you is to remember that movement is first of all fun! At Adler Balance you can take advantage of it to follow efficient and personalized workouts and have a tailor-made movement program that you will find on your return home! Because the hardest thing is to get started! Not only that, you can also take advantage of the outdoor activities offered by the Adler Balance, surrounded by the landscape of the Dolomites, which has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Gym, mountain walks and bicycles: a winning cocktail to regain shape and the desire to play sports!

To try the massages you've always wanted


6 reasons to choose a wellness stayThe massage reduces tension, helps remodel you and helps you maintain your psycho-physical balance. It is also a way to take care of your body and, especially if you are overweight, it is useful to be aware of it and know how to catch all the signals. The benefits of massage are many!
1. improves blood and lymphatic circulation
2. helps you sleep better
3. helps prevent disease
4. take away the stress
5. Relieves muscle and joint tension
5. promotes the circulation of energy
The massage is a pleasant moment of relaxation and well-being that we all love to indulge in and at Adler Balance you can indulge yourself in trying many! From anti-stress massage to foot reflexology, from Ayurvedic to shiatsu massages. Each type and technique of massage has different but complementary virtues. What are you waiting for? Relax and dedicate yourself to your body and soul: you will no longer be able to do without it! And, once back from the wellness stay, try the Zen massages and those for the belly of OnlyBelleza with the oils of the Adler Balance line based on phytomelatonin, the first entirely vegetable melatonin extracted from alpine plants. To pamper you even in your home!


Tiziana Landi

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