Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

I natural anti-cellulite remedies they are gods phytotherapeutic compounds which you can use in several ways. In fact, in nature there are plants that allow you to reduce the problem, thanks to various types of actions: usually act on blood vessels, improving the elasticity of the walls, but also exercising an anti-inflammatory or draining function.

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: difference between herbal teas, mother tinctures and gemmoderivati

When you are talking about natural anti-cellulite remedies, a premise is a must: the various plants that can be used they must be part of an overall strategy, which also includes the right diet and physical activity.

I herbal remedies we treat here belong with three different types: herbal teas, bud extractives and mother tinctures. The differences between these three types are varied.

Herbal tea

With the term tisane means drug from herbs, where use water as a solvent: so the active ingredients are extracted of the plants chosen in the formulation. Herbal teas can also be of different types: infusions, decoctions or macerates.

  • Decoction. They are used in the form of a decoction all those elements that have active ingredients that are stable with respect to heat, such as roots, barks and seeds. The decoction is prepared by pouring the chopped ingredients into boiling water, covering the container and continuing to boil everything according to the specific time of each herb: on average from 5 to 20 minutes. Once this time has passed, it is necessary to filter the liquid through a colander or with a cotton cloth: the decoction must be used within 24 hours.
  • Macerated. The macerate is prepared pouring out a solvent at room temperature on the plant: the solvent can be water, as in the case of herbal teas, the alcohol, but also wine, vinegar or oil, as happens with certain drinks such as myrtle. It is left to macerate for a period ranging from 1 to 30 days, depending on the herb we used, shaking the well-sealed container every day. THEThe liquid must then be filtered and stored in the dark and in a cool place, in tightly closed glass containers. If the macerated was made with water, it should be drunk within 24 hours, while if it is made with oil, alcohol or vinegar it lasts from 1 to 6 months.
  • infusion. The infusion is an extract that is obtained using the leaves, flowers and stems of herbs: these contain active principles who manage to free themselves thanks to the combined action of water and heat. To do this, just pour boiling water on the plant and leave to infuse for one average time of 10 minutes. Once this time has passed, it is filtered with a colander or a clean cotton cloth. The infusion should be drunk warm and it can also be eaten cold no later than 24 hours.


Le mother tinctures they are extracts of herbs and medicinal plants, obtained from maceration of their drug (plant) in water and alcohol: in this case it is used the adult part of the plant, such as leaves, flowering tops, roots or bark.

Bud extract

I gemmoderivati, also called glycerin macerates, are obtained from the maceration of fresh embryonic tissues just like buds, buds, young roots, sap and seeds.

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: the most effective

With the help of the herbalist Alessia Onorati area of Small Herbalist, we have selected a series of herbal remedies free from important contraindications, that will allow you to reduce the problem of cellulite, if used correctly.

Some plants are most effective in the form of herbal teas, while others are more suitable as mother tincture or gemmoderivati. Let's see what they are.

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: herbal teas

1 - Fennel

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

Herbaceous plant belonging to the Umbelliferae family, the fennel ha diuretic and digestive properties. Also, it has carminative properties, which they favor the physiological elimination of intestinal gas. It is therefore useful for those with slow digestion problems, intestinal swelling and flatulence.

Fennel is used in the form of a decoction: pour about 200 ml of water at room temperature and a level tablespoon of herbal tea into a container. Bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes. Turn off and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, then filter everything. You can drink fennel decoction 2 times a day, just after meals.

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best Organic Fennel Aromatic Seeds Herbal Tea - Seeds ...
  • Fragrant and unmistakable, our culinary fennel is an aromatic seed reminiscent of anise or ...
  • Our whole seeds of organic fennel are hand-picked in a small company ...
  • The classic flavor of fennel is famously used to accompany fish. But his ...
9,97 EUR

2 - Red grape leaves

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

The red vine (Vitis vinifera) is a plant of the Vitaceae family. IS famous for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties: is often used against varicose veins, but also against hemorrhoids. Regarding cellulite, its most important action is that protective vessel, of protection of the circulatory system and toning of blood vessels.

The red vine is used in the form of an infusion. To do this you have to bring about 200 ml of water to a boil, pour a heaping tablespoon of grass, turn off and leave to infuse for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, filter. You can drink 2 cups a day between meals.

3 – Orthosiphon

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

Orthosiphon Benth is a genus of medicinal plants, belonging to the Lamiaceae family, widespread in Asia, also known as Java tea. This plant boasts great diuretic properties, helping the elimination of sodium chloride: it is therefore useful to those suffering from water retention and hypertension.

Also 'Orthosiphon must be used in the form of an infusion. To do this you have to bring about 200 ml of water to a boil, pour a heaping tablespoon of grass, turn off and leave to infuse for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, filter. You can drink 2 cups a day between meals.

4 - Birch leaves

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

Birch is one of the plants of the Betulaceae family. In phytotherapy it is known for its purifying and diuretic properties: in fact, its leaves are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and essential oils. Helps to eliminate excess fluids, preventing the accumulation of fat: for this it is useful in fighting cellulite and water retention.

Also, it plays a great purifying action of the urinary tract: birch tea is also used for treat cystitis and other urinary tract infections.

It is best to use this herb in the form of infusion. To do this you have to bring about 200 ml of water to a boil, pour a heaping tablespoon of grass, turn off and leave to infuse for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, filter. You can drink 2 cups a day between meals.

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best Birch Leaves Organic Herbal Tea - Birch Herbal Tea -...
  • The leaves of the birch tree, used in many traditional medicines, are appreciated among ...
  • Birch leaves are rich in essential minerals, antioxidants and vitamin C. Put in ...
  • In addition to refreshing the body and mind, the infusion of birch leaves is believed to be able to ...
9,97 EUR

5 - Horsetail

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

One of the less known anti-cellulite remedies: also known as ponytail, belongs to the Equisetaceae family. Thanks to the presence of flavonoids, the horsetail has a diuretic and draining function: it also protects the kidney function, protecting them from the pathologies that can affect them. Is useful in case of water retention, cellulite, swelling of the eyes, legs and ankles.

Horsetail should be used in the form of a decoction: pour about 200 ml of water at room temperature and a level tablespoon of herbal tea into a container. Bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes. Turn off and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, then filter everything. You can drink horsetail decoction 2 times a day, between meals.

6 - Dandelion roots

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Has purifying and anti-inflammatory properties, is an excellent ally in the treatment of liver-related diseases. This plant, in fact, favors the elimination of waste, stimulates the secretions of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract e produces a slight laxative action. In popular tradition, the dandelion is also known as "piscialetto", due to its own great diuretic properties.

Caution: dandelion is not suitable for those who suffer from irritable bowel.

Dandelion is used in the form of a decoction: pour about 200 ml of water at room temperature and a level tablespoon of herbal tea into a container. Bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes. Turn off and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, then filter everything. You can drink the dandelion decoction 2 times a day, between meals.

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best Dandelion roots for herbal tea or decoction - 100 g -...
  • Preparation: One tablespoon of herbs for each cup with a capacity of 250 ml (in case of decoction ...
  • Botanical name: Taraxacum Officinale
  • Production and active ingredients: Solimè herbs are entirely processed in Spain and come from ...
5,87 EUR

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: mother tinctures

La mother tincture is an extraction of herbs and medicinal plants, obtained from the maceration of the plant in water and alcohol. As for the dosages, here are the rules, which apply to all the dyes we offer you: 60 drops in a little water, to be taken twice a day between meals.

1 – Twinkle

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

La centella asiatica is a perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the Apiacea family. There mother tincture of centella is used for protect the venous walls in case of cellulite and venous insufficiency: its leaves, in fact, contain many important elements such asand saponins, flavonoids, phytosterols, tannins, mineral salts. Centella is capable of improve blood flow, strengthening the entire circulatory system. For this reason it is also indicated in the treatment of symptoms of venous insufficiency like heaviness in the legs, cramps, varicose veins and edema.

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best Centella (Centella asiatica) herb Mother tincture ...
  • Centella (Centella asiatica) Herb Mother Tincture concentrated extract 1:10. 100% natural, ...
  • A NATURAL HELP: concentrated food supplement of Centella in drops. 40 drops (2 ml) ...
  • NATURALMA - Natural habits: We respect and love Nature, which is why all our ...
14,90 EUR

2 – Pilosella

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

Belonging to the Asteraceae family, the pilosella it is a plant that has great diuretic properties: favors theelimination of toxins, promotes the outflow of bile, cleanses the blood from excesses of animal fats. Plays an antiseptic action of the urinary tract and allows deflate the tissues: for this it is also used in cases of hypertension, ankle swelling and rheumatism.

3 - Bilberry

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

Il Blackberry is a fruit shrub belonging to the Ericaceae family and to the Vaccinium genus. It is one of most famous natural anti-cellulite remedies, because it has known vasodilating propertiesis that help the circulatory system to function better. But the blueberry also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic properties.

4 – Burdock

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

The greater burdock (Arctium lappa L.) is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. This plant contains many important elements such as amino acids, trace elements, B vitamins, But especially inulin, a substance that purifies the blood and helps drainage. Thanks to this substance, it stimulates theelimination of toxins, also cleansing the liver.

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best Burdock (Arctium lappa) herb from the root Tincture...
  • Burdock (Arctium lappa) grass and roots Mother tincture concentrated extract 1:10. 100% natural, ...
  • A NATURAL HELP: concentrated dietary supplement of Burdock in drops. 40 drops (2 ml) ...
  • NATURALMA - Natural habits: We respect and love Nature, which is why all our ...
14,90 EUR

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: bud extractives

I gemmoderivati they are obtained from the maceration of “young” embryonic tissues. Also in this case, the dosages are valid for all the remedies we offer you: 60 drops in a little water, to be taken twice a day between meals.

1 - Betula verrucosa lymph

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

La birch sap in the form of bud extract it is called Betula verrucosa sap. This bud extract helps eliminate toxins, uric acids and the stagnation of liquids in the tissues. Birch sap aruns on the lymphatic system, which regulates the accumulation of liquids in the tissues e stimulates tissue purification. Also, it has hypocholesterolemic properties, helping to reduce the amounts of "bad cholesterol" (LDL).

2 – Castanea vesca

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

This is the chestnut bud extract, belongs to the Fagaceae family. A plant rich in properties thanks to the presence of many minerals and vitamin B.

The presence of the iron, in particular, gives the chestnut a great astringent power, which in turn stimulates good blood circulation. The bud extract acts above all as lymphatic drainage, at the level of the lower limbs.

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best Dr. Giorgini Food Supplement, Chestnut ...
  • Fresh and pure chestnut buds
  • 100% non-alcoholic and natural, also suitable for children and pregnant women
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18,00 EUR

3 – Taller ash

Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

In this case we speak of the bud extract of ash tree, which belongs to the Oleaceae family. Its sap and rich in Manna, for an natural laxative which is also a sweetener and has fluidifying properties, cough expectorants, emollients and sedatives. As for cellulite, this bud extract performs a purifying action, but it also has slightly laxative and diuretic properties.

The article was written in collaboration with the herbalist Alessia Onorati della Small Herbalist.


Natural anti-cellulite remedies: here are the best

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