Warts: natural remedies to eliminate them for good

Warts: natural remedies to eliminate them for good

Warts on the feet or hands are an annoying and unsightly problem that in some cases can be solved naturally. So, let's discover the most effective remedies for warts.

The wart, also commonly called leek, is a neoformation of the skin or a mucosa, due to infection by HPV, the human papillomavirus. They are benign lesions that can, however, be very annoying, also because they are not easy to eradicate, in the sense that it usually takes a long time to eradicate them and they tend to reappear, i.e. to reappear.

They can present themselves in different forms, the most common are the so-called vulgar warts that manifest themselves as hard growths that can be more or less large, with a wrinkled and irregular surface, single or increasing and that extend to various parts of the body (the fingers or palms of hands and feet are very affected).

Warts are a fairly common disorder and have higher incidence in school children, adolescents and some professional categories such as veterinarians and butchers; therefore, there could be a possibility of animal-to-human infection, even if it has not been proven. People with impaired cellular immunity are also at high risk of developing warts.

To counteract these, especially when the wart is small or has just appeared, you can try some naturally occurring wart remedies. These can be effective as long as you use them constantly and for a fairly long period of time. Let us now discover the best remedies for warts, indicated for both. warts on the feet as well as for those that appear on the hands.

Warts: natural remedies to remove them

By removing warts, we can resort to some useful natural remedies to make dry and subsequently remove the wart on the foot. As anticipated above, to get the benefits of these remedies, you need consistency and it may take several weeks of application.

1 Prevention of warts

The first natural method to combat any pathology is always prevention. Warts are contagious, by direct contact; it is good, therefore, to avoid touching those of other people.

Contagion can also occur through warts flakes fallen in humid areas, e.g. swimming pools, saunas, but also through the mixed use of towels, bathrobes and slippers. In gyms, swimming pools and wellness centers, therefore, should be follow the rules of hygiene carefully.

2 Garlic

Garlic is one of the best natural remedies against warts on the feet or palms of the hands. This tuber is a powerful antiviral both orally and better yet, in the case of warts, placed directly under the foot. You can use a thin slice of shredded garlic or a garlic macerate.

The application should be done daily until the wart turns black and begins to flake off. caution however, to use the garlic pack only on the areas of the skin where the wart is present, the remedy may burn or redden healthy skin. To keep the garlic in place on the wart, use a plaster, you can choose to leave it on for a few hours or overnight before removing it and then start the application with fresh garlic.

3 colloidal silver

Another very versatile remedy also indicated for plantar warts is colloidal silver, a natural antibiotic and antiviral.

It is a solution in drops to apply on the wart 2-3 times during the day or leave overnight. Cover also in this case with a gauze or a band-aid so that the silver does not evaporate quickly and does not move from the point where its action is needed. Repeat the operation until the wart dries.

4 Tea tree oil

Among the remedies for warts is also tea tree oil. It is always a natural solution with antiviral power. 2-3 drops are necessary to apply on the wart for 2 or 3 times a day until it dies. It usually takes at least 2 weeks of constant application before any results are obtained, but more often it is necessary to continue the treatment for about 1 month.

5 castor oil

Warts on the hands or feet can be treated with castor oil, a natural substance that promotes their disappearance. A small amount is used slightly warmed to be spread on the wart which is then covered with gauze. Leave on for at least half an hour two or three times a day. You can also smear the oil and then cover the wart with a patch to change each time the operation is repeated.

6 apple cider vinegar

Another natural remedy that we usually have at home and that is also effective against warts is apple cider vinegar. The active ingredient it contains, known as acetic acid, is an antiviral capable of fighting the virus that caused the appearance of warts.

However, a bit like garlic, vinegar should only be applied to the areas of skin affected by the problem, as it is irritating. Again you can make a compress with apple cider vinegar and cover with gauze or plaster overnight or for a few hours. The application should be daily and constant to obtain results.

7 lemon

Lemon is also an antiviral that can help in case of warts. You can cut a slice and place it on the wart pressing lightly and massaging so that the juice penetrates better into the skin, then it is necessary to leave it to act for a few minutes. The application should be repeated several times a day for several days.

8 Baking soda and hot water

Baking soda is a natural substance with disinfectant power that added to hot water can be a very good remedy for warts. In fact, hot water has been shown to be active against the virus that caused the wart, which is sensitive to high temperatures. Then soak your feet in hot water (not boiling) and baking soda (1 or 2 tablespoons). Let it act and air dry your feet.

9 Aloe vera

Aloe vera can also contribute to get rid of warts more easily and at the same time, by softening the part, limit the discomfort. You need to apply aloe vera juice or gel directly on the wart several times a day by absorbing the substance well and letting it air dry. Alternatively, the fresh plant, detaching a leaf, cutting it in half and rubbing it wart.

10 celandine

Warts on the feet or hands can be treated with celandine, a plant with antiviral properties. tincture (15 drops) to apply first diluted in water (about a tablespoon) on the wart 3 times a day for a month or until you notice that the wart is turning black and begins to peel.

11 fenugreek

Among the natural remedies against warts is also fenugreek. You should soak a teaspoon of seeds in a glass of water, leaving them to macerate in the refrigerator for about 2 days, then take some of the mixture and smear on the wart leaving it to dry completely. Repeat this several times a day until the wart begins to fall off.

12 Banana peel and grape juice

Two other very simple natural remedies for warts are to apply the inside of a banana peel or fresh grape juice to the wart and bandage the area. The banana peel should be kept for several hours; you can, for example, apply it in the evening and keep it overnight. Grape juice should be squeezed over the wart three or four times a day.

Have you managed to overcome a wart on your feet? What natural remedy did you use? Tell us in the comments!

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