Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications

La pressotherapy is a medical-aesthetic treatment which has always been very successful especially against cellulite blemishes, because it restores the correct flow of blood and lymph. However, its uses are many.

It is used to relieve problems such as swollen and sore legs, varicose veins, ulcers, heavy limbs caused byvenous insufficiency. But also to recover elasticity to the skin, increasing the flow of oxygen into the tissues and helping the body to regenerate.

Some studies have shown its effectiveness in loss of excess fluids produced by the body after surgery and after some cancer treatments.

In practice, it works through a device that, connected to a machine, thanks to adjustable air jets, inflates and deflates, thus reproducing a draining massage on the whole body.

Pressotherapy can be performed both in a beauty center and at home as no specific preparation is required, except the fasting.

Its benefits can increase when combined with a healthy lifestyle, but not everyone can do it.

Find out when it is used and how it works, but also who are the ideal candidates for this treatment, the benefits and side effects, and what you can really expect, even in terms of costs.

Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications

Pressotherapy: what it is

Pressotherapy, also known as lymphatic drainage, and more technically, as pneumocompressive physical therapy, it is a non-invasive treatment that involves the use of air pressure on the body.

In particular, through a machinery alternates compression and decompression simulating a manual lymphatic drainage massage that acts on the lymphatic system.

This, as the word itself says, favors the drainage of toxins and liquids that stagnate in the various tissues, through the lymphatic vessels, and consequently also improves blood circulation.

Its dual action on the circulatory system and on the lymphatic system, means that it can be adopted both in the aesthetic and medical fields as a real therapy.

In the 90s, when it was born, mainly in America, it was mainly intended for a specific target of people, such as VIPs, for aesthetic purposes. Today, however, it is part of those treatments, including curative ones, which everyone, including ordinary people, both men and women, uses.

It has become popular thanks to the fact that it offers immediate results by generating an evident feeling of relief in the treated areas.

Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications

Pressotherapy: what is it for

Although we have seen how much pressotherapy is become popular in the past 15 years, many people still believe that it is only suitable for the treatment of cellulite blemishes. But as mentioned, this is a mistake, as its effectiveness has been proven in many areas.

Suffice it to say that doctors now consider it extremely important in the treatment and maintenance of some serious diseases such as cancer and for prevention of Tvp, peripheral venous thrombosis.

In fact, if performed regularly by an experienced professional, this treatment generates improvements in many cases. Let's see them in detail.


Caused by an accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space of the tissues, edema produces obvious clinical signs and symptoms, such as swelling of the limbs, pain to the touch and water retention. It often occurs after a long day standing or sitting too long. Or again, due to hereditary factors or a wrong lifestyle.

Edema can be localized or diffuse, depending on how many tissues it affects. Specifically, it is divided into:

  • lymphedema, that is, the stagnation of lymph in different body sites
  • lipedema, i.e. accumulation of fat located in the subcutis
  • venous edema, in practice when the valves of the veins do not work properly and the blood and lymph, poor in oxygen, accumulate waste that they are unable to discard.

All these cases justify the use of pressotherapy. Exercising a gradual pressure on edematous tissues, there is an increase in centripetal hemolymphatic drainage (from the periphery to the heart), reducing the volume of the affected limbs.


Cellulite, or edemato-fibrosclerotic panniculopathy, is a pathology that affects the subcutaneous adipose tissue, giving the skin the classic orange peel effect. At the basis of its origin there are hormonal, vascular and hereditary factors, but also:

  • overweight problems
  • incorrect nutrition
  • dehydration
  • sedentary

there different stages and levels of severity:

  • edematous, only edema present
  • fibrous, if a network of inelastic tissue is also formed around the fat cells
  • sclerotic, if the mesh becomes hard causing palpable nodules with cold, painful skin.

As for edema, pressotherapy is indicated to treat cellulite blemishes.

The sheaths of the device that inflate and deflate cause an easier reentry of the interstitial fluid in the lymphatic vessels and facilitate their accumulation towards the kidneys, with consequent elimination.

If you are interested in the topic discover ours in-depth study on cellulite.

Other uses

In addition to this, pressotherapy is also used to treat chronic inflammatory states, for example due to diseases typical of aging or tumors; joint trauma, very common in athletes; cases of stress and anxiety. Let's see why.

In the case of states of chronic inflammation, pressotherapy acts instead of, or in addition to, one motor therapy. It is therefore able to reactivate the lymphatic and circulatory system and thus delay the effects of aging and cancer.

As regards the joint trauma, the treatment improves circulation and deflates the limb, thus helping the joint to move better and resume its function faster.

In case of stress, on the other hand, pressotherapy, being a tactile sensory input which stimulates the motor nerve points, has a calming effect on the human body.

In addition, it increases endorphin levels and the production of serotonin and dopamine which put you in a good mood.

Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications

How pressotherapy works

Due to its functions, pressotherapy is considered a valid alternative to lymphatic drainage performed by a therapist with physical massage.

As mentioned, what benefits the most is the lymphatic system. But why is this system so important? What is it actually used for?

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system and is necessary for our immune response. It consists of a network of similarly sized vessels that carry lymphatic fluid. The latter consists of white blood cells, fats and bacteria that accumulate throughout the body.

Unlike the blood system which works thanks to the action of the heart, the lymphatic system relies on our muscles and movements to drain its fluid.

Poor circulation, edema, bad habits and lifestyles, for example, can interrupt this fundamental process. And here is that pressotherapy can be an ally to restore the correct functioning of the entire system.

Its action exerts a gradual pressure on the affected tissues, starting from the periphery of the body and going towards the center, called centripetal action, alternating phases of decompression.

This produces:

  • increase in the speed of venous and lymphatic flows, thanks to the reduction of the caliber of the vessels in the treated area
  • distension of the downstream vessels, which generate the release of antithrombotic substances
  • reduction of edema, as interstitial pressure increases
  • reabsorption of fluids within the vessels.
Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications

Areas of the body to be treated

Pressotherapy it is performed by an air machine, connected to a specialized device equipped with leggings, arm sleeves and abdominal / buttock belts.

These sheaths contain pneumocompression chambers that inflate generating controlled compression on strategic body parts.

The various parameters are set and activated by the device that supplies the air flow at the right pressure, inflating and deflating the various chambers intermittently and sequentially.

It is usually used to treat:

  • legs
  • buttocks
  • belly
  • arms.

But it can also be used on the back and lower abdomen.

The leggings on the legs are the most requested, in particular to decrease swelling and heaviness. THE leggings simulate a peristaltic wave which starts from the sole of the foot, where liquids accumulate, up to the root of the thighs.

Also effective on the arms, as long as you are very careful about the pressure exerted on the heart. Here we must act under the observation of a specialist.

As for the belly, it is mainly used for improve intestinal motility. In fact, the headband helps reactivate the intestinal tract.

It is therefore a question of one 360 ° therapy and easy to apply, which requires few tools as long as they are the right ones. To choose them is always the expert who must also evaluate the clinical picture of the patient, who must have already consulted his doctor.

Treatment: how to best perform pressotherapy

After having seen in detail what pressotherapy is and how it works, let's now move on to the procedure. That is at various stages of treatment which begin with the preparation and follow with the actual session and post-treatment.

How to prepare

The preparation, as well as the other two moments, are very simple.

No further treatments are required before starting, so no creams or serums, no liquids such as herbal teas, just fasting. This is because one is exercised during the massage pressure also in the abdominal area which could create digestive problems for the person.

Generally, in professional centers, the patient is accompanied in all phases. The therapist dedicates himself completely to the person, putting them at ease.

Before placing him on the bed, the expert takes measurements of the critical points, then inner thigh, hips, abdomen and buttocks. And finally, she makes him sit down.


First, the therapist manipulates the parts he intends to treat, then places the various pads connected to the device around the legs, mid-body, arms, or all three at the same time.

Finally, thanks to the computer on the machine, set the treatment taking into account the following parameters:

  • type of equipment you are using
  • sequence of compressions
  • type of pressure you want to apply
  • time to apply it
  • clinical stage of the pathology
  • patient tolerability.

To avoid the risk of muscle ischemia, due to an excessive lack of oxygen in the tissues, it is important that the pressure of the device does not exceed the minimum arterial pressure of the person.

Once the machinery has been set up, the session begins and the patient feels one feeling of squeezing which should feel like pressure and not pain. There typical duration of the session varies from 30 to 45 minutes.


At the end of the treatment, the person without the inflatable elements, your body should feel immediately lighter. Someone feels the need to urinate, which is normal given the movement that the water has made in the body.

Before leaving, the patient usually plans the next session. The ideal would be carry out at least 8 sessions, with a rhythm of 2/3 times a week.

The costs of pressotherapy

The price of each single pressotherapy session is not excessive and is around 50/60 euros. Cost that can vary according to the type of machinery used and the type of treatment.

Clearly the number of sessions necessary to obtain good results and their maintenance requires a considerable economic effort. For this reason, many centers offer the possibility to access packages with advantageous discounts.

Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications

Pressotherapy at home

Speaking of tools, it must be said that even for those women or men who would like to undergo constant pressure therapy but who cannot for time or economic reasons, there is the possibility of doing it at home. How? By purchasing these machines on the internet or at specialized centers at competitive prices.

There are, in fact, numerous brands that produce professional equipment including kits for the areas to be treated. The advantages are numerous, but the most obvious ones are the possibility of having more sessions without additional costs and without reservation. It will be like having a small wellness center in your own home.

The cons mainly concern the lack of control by a professional, with the risk of not obtaining the desired results or even worsening the situation.

The best machines for pressotherapy at home

La pressoterapia it is a treatment that works and that it can practice easily even at home. The results, of course, vary depending on the machinery used and the general and specific condition of the patient or patient.

There are so many different opinions on what are the right tools for “at home” use. First of all: the home pressotherapy works? Absolutely yes. The important thing is to evaluate well your personal health, the well-being of your body and, consequently, what is the goal to aim for.

The next choice will be to choose the the most suitable pressotherapy machine; whether to take it used, rented or new; and finally decide how many times a week to perform the treatment.

The first step is always to be well informed. Precisely for this reason we have compiled the best home pressotherapy machines to buy simply with a click. Obviously without spending a fortune - the professional ones even reach 600-700 euros - but always favoring safety, reliability and performance. With an eye on user reviews.

Renpho: the best home pressure therapy machine

Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications RENPHO Air Compression Leg Massager ...
  • Leg Massager to Massage Feet, Calves and Thighs: This Air Compressed Massager ...
  • 6 Massage Modes and 4 Strengths: Use the handheld controller to easily change ...
  • Adjustable Massage Boots to Fit Any Size: Easily change size ...
89,99 EUR

La best car specific for pressotherapy at home is the jewel of the renpho, one of the most important brands in the industry. It is no coincidence that it turns out to be the best-selling product (on Amazon) among the first level specific masseurs.

Il best for quality / price ratio, 4,5 stars out of 5 in user reviews and a total of almost 8 thousand votes. What more could you want?

There are many characteristics for which it is worth choosing it.

  • Complete massage for feet, calves and thighs, with 3 × 2 air-compression airbag system and high-quality, enveloping tubular fabric.
  • Remote control with 6 modes and 4 different intensities, to better adjust the work to help relieve swelling, aches and pains from edema.
  • Mode designed to relax muscles to the maximum and improve blood circulation, bringing an excellent aid even for ailments such as RLS and varicose veins.
  • The dimensions of the device are adaptable for each size: up to 63 cm for the calves and up to 85 cm for the thighs. The bands can also be used for the arms.
  • Automatic switch-off timer of 20 minutes, for high safety even in case of forgetfulness. And avoid overheating and prolonged work.

All to a incredible price, considering that we are dealing with an almost professional product: 110 euros in the price list (even something less). A real bargain!

Trebol Advance: the cheapest

Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications Portable pressotherapy new model more ...
  • NEW MODEL: Includes 3 sets of connection tubes for use in separate areas. This...
  • It is a nice gray color, the tubes are made of high quality silicone and they connect ...
  • It has an easy-to-use switchboard to choose the program that best suits your needs. His...
85,00 EUR

We move in price but not in quality. The portable machine for pressotherapy by Trebol Advance is a newborn opportunity in the online market.

The model in question, in fact, represents one of the latest releases in the industry, distinguished by endogenous completeness of functions and negligible cost, compared to many competitors.

Reported for being a machine that fulfills its primary function in a great way, it stands out for its quality of "deflate the legs", increasing diuresis and improving overall limb health. Even with only 30 minutes a day of use, the benefits can be felt after less than a week.

But there are many advantages of Trebol Advance, which also pass through the technical data.

  • Including 3 sets of hoses with connection, to be able to use them on different areas. The deep massage is guaranteed precisely by this conformation.
  • The main material is premium quality silicone, which adapts very well to both electrical impulses and the skin of the body, always being enveloping and never oppressive.
  • Control unit and remote control easy to use, as well as the shoe. The dimensions are compact, so you can take the machine anywhere.
  • The preset timer is 15 minutes. The wraps can be used for any area of ​​the legs, for the arms and for the whole waist area.

The price, as mentioned, is one of the highlights of the repertoire: just over 80 euro, not to mention discounts and sales. Recommended for all those looking for an economical product without compromise in equipment and reliability.

Mesis: pressotherapy at home but professional

Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications MESIS Professional Pressotherapy For Home ...
  • WHAT IT'S FOR: the device allows you to benefit from a pleasant massage useful to attenuate the ...
  • EQUIPMENT: 2 leggings + 2 single connectors for the leggings + 1 splitter for the leggings + Kit Slim ...
  • 4 CHAMBER APPLICATORS: it is possible to wear the leggings and the abdominal / buttock band according to the 5 ...
348,00 EUR

La ranking of the best home pressotherapy machines, signed OnlyBelleza, is enriched by the flagship model of Mesis, son of professional and highly technological tools.

Who seeks one high performance machine, with a guarantee of therapeutic results - like in a rehabilitation center - and with full functionality, found in the Mesis atMassage Plus + the missing link. This tool is equipped with 2 leggings, from the slim body kit (for the abdominal area) and the possibility of adding (at a higher price) also the tubular for the arms.

As mentioned, it really is one complete pressotherapy machine, capable of exercising the whole body with a single device.

  • It is the most suitable machine ever for a unique and balanced massage to each muscle band involved, with guaranteed anti-stress and anti-fatigue results.
  • The standard equipment allows you to choose which area to massage and how, without overloading other areas of the body. 5 possible combinations, with electronic adjustment of the intensity of the pressure and the duration of the massage.
  • The leggings are equipped with Sovrex technology, characterized by 4 independent air chambers able to create a single inflation / deflation movement of the bands, for a massage without interruptions. Maximum optimization of treatment time.

We are obviously talking about a machinery of close professional derivation, not too far from the fees for specialized centers. And with that, we also stand up for what concerns the price: about 330 euros for the standard equipment, with a'addition of 60 euros if you also choose to take the bracelet home.

In any case, for the most critical situations of pain and discomfort, this is the most suitable machine for pressotherapy at home.

Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications

Benefits of pressotherapy

Without getting too involved in the technical, it is good to know that a correct use of equipment to carry out pressure therapy leads to scientifically approved benefits.

Over the years, through various studies and experimentation, mechanical lymphatic drainage treatment has achieved great results.

Among these, as we have repeatedly emphasized, the best known is the improvement of blood and lymphatic circulation. We also remember accordingly:

  • reduction of inflammatory states
  • reduction of swelling and edema of traumatic and non-traumatic origin
  • improvement of the tissue oxygenation process
  • reduction of joint pain due to trauma
  • attenuation of cellulite blemishes
  • improvement of muscle tone
  • elimination of toxins present in the body
  • reduction of stress and anxiety.

As for the time needed to see the first results, it is not possible to make an exact estimate, as these are variables related to the type of machinery and the type of pathology, as well as to the subjective reaction of the patient.

In general, it can be said that the results are seen from mid-session onwards.

Tips to keep the effects longer

Obviously, like any therapy, alone is not enough. As mentioned at the beginning, to prolong the beneficial effects of pressotherapy it is necessary to undertake a healthy lifestyle.

This means, from a dietary point of view, avoiding foods rich in fat and salt, which cause water retention, and consuming a lot of water to eliminate toxins.

While from the point of view of physical activity, avoid the sedentary lifestyle that causes all the problems listed so far and practice regular exercise. In addition to avoiding alcohol and cigarettes.

In many centers, together with pressotherapy comes the possibility of making cold bandages and muds that enhance the draining effect.

Pressotherapy: what it is, how it works, what it is for, benefits, treatments, the best machinery, contraindications

Contraindications of pressotherapy

Pressotherapy is generally considered safe. However, there are some side effects to be aware of, including muscle pain if the machine pressure is too high. redness or mild irritation of the treated areas.

Pressotherapy is almost always feasible, except for the following conditions or diseases, for which it is best to avoid it or seek medical advice.

  • Deep vein thrombosis, as it deals with blood clots within one or more veins. Touching them could have harmful or even lethal effects.
  • Russian varicose.
  • Phlebitis.
  • Skin lesions.
  • Body pain or numbness of unknown extent.
  • Some types of cancer.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Kidney, liver or heart failure.
  • Blood pressure problems.
  • Diabetes mellitus, as it can cause damage to the capillaries which are already weakened by the disease.
  • Particular types of asthma.


Although there is no scientific evidence, pressotherapy could pose risks to pregnant women and the fetus.

However, since it is often pregnant women who suffer from edematous limbs and joint pain, it is always better to ask for a medical opinion able to evaluate the possibility of using pressotherapy anyway, setting specific parameters.

However, treatment after childbirth and during postpartum recovery is very useful.

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