Blackheads: causes and natural remedies to eliminate them

Blackheads: causes and natural remedies to eliminate them

How to get rid of blackheads on the face and body? With some natural remedies and beauty tricks you can prevent and solve the problem of blackheads and have a smooth and healthy skin. Let's see how to get rid of blackheads naturally!

Blackheads on the face are a real blemish that, if neglected, can lead to the appearance of pimples and other skin diseases such as acne.

But what are blackheads? They are skin impurities composed mainly of sebum, keratin and microorganisms that have accumulated in the pores. The dark color is determined by the oxidation of sebum in contact with air.

Blackheads, also called comedones, are a problem that now affects all age groups because they derive from excessive sebum production by the sebaceous glands. Comedones are typical of oily and combination skin and mainly affect the "T" zone of the face (chin, nose and forehead).

During adolescence I blackheads, if neglected, can lead to acne with the appearance of pimples, pustules and very painful cysts. In fact, the presence of blackheads can lead to bacterial proliferation with a chain reaction on the skin. But let's see what are the main causes of blackheads on the nose and other parts of the face.

The main causes of blackheads

The major causes of black heads on the skin and face are:

Combination or oily skin
If by nature we have oily or combination skin, we will surely tend to accumulate excessive sebum production on the chin, nose and forehead. But it is not uncommon to notice this imperfection also on the shoulders and back. It is very important to keep the skin clean and purified every day.

Use of aggressive cosmetics.
Especially for those who have blackheads on the nose and face, it is automatic to use cleansers, lotions or ointments that dry the skin to remove excess sebum. This is a common mistake that can lead to stimulation of the sebaceous glands with a worse problem.

Hormonal imbalances.
This is typically the case for teenagers who, because of hormonal imbalances due to growth, are subject to the appearance of blackheads and in many cases also acne, which mainly affects the facial area.

✗ S tress
Stress also contributes to the formation of blackheads on the nose and face. In fact, the skin is the mirror of our emotional situation and can react to stress with psychosomatic disorders and the appearance of blackheads and pimples.

Use of unnatural foundations and make-up.
It mainly affects women who do not leave the house in the morning if they have not used foundation, blush, powder, concealer, etc. These products may contain silicones, petroleum jelly and other chemicals that do not let the skin breathe, blocking the pores that will dilate creating blackheads.

Natural remedies to get rid of blackheads

Let's see now How to get rid of blackheads on the nose and face. thanks to the use of some specific and effective natural remedies to have a clean and smooth skin for a long time.

1 Patches to remove blackheads

They are patches sold mainly in pharmacies and herbalists that are used precisely to remove blackheads, thanks to the substances that act, widen pores and remove sebum, which will remain attached to the patch. They are usually applied at night before going to bed and then removed in the morning. Once removed, the blackhead patches will leave the skin clean for a long time. We recommend that you buy a natural product, which does not contain chemicals that can create allergies and irritations.

2 Use of non-comedogenic base

Right now, even cosmetic companies that sell natural and organic products are offering foundations on the market, without the addition of silicones, mineral oils, petroleum jelly, etc. Natural foundation formulations are suitable for all skin types, they have a moisturizing and protective action. Ask your trusted herbalist for a non-comedogenic foundation.

3 Deep cleansing by the esthetician

Especially for those with oily or combination skin, it is essential to do one. deep cleansing by the beautician once a month to remove the deepest impurities and eliminate blackheads. We recommend that you rely on an experienced professional who will use the tools and products that best suit your needs.

4 Purifying essential oil blend

This is a very simple recipe that uses purifying essential oils capable of balancing excess sebum and reducing bacterial proliferation. Here are the ingredients for this recipe:

  • Put the aloe vera gel in a plastic bottle and add all the essential oils one by one;
  • Then shake the bottle for about 30 seconds to mix all the ingredients and your recipe is ready!

Apply this gel twice a day on the areas to be treated, even instead of moisturizer.

5 salicylic acid

Salicylic acid has exfoliating and anti-aging properties because it gently removes layers of dead skin and helps to keep it clean and smooth for a long time. There are several cosmetic products on the market based on salicylic acid. We recommend that you contact an experienced pharmacist to purchase the product that best suits your needs.

6 exfoliating cleanser

Among the remedies against blackheads is this homemade recipe for a purifying scrub, able to remove impurities and eliminate blackheads.

  • Put the cleansing milk in a glass bowl and add the rosehip powder and the 4 drops of essential oil;
  • Mix everything together and your purifying scrub is ready!

Gently massage the product on the skin of the face for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. Repeat this treatment to get rid of blackheads twice a week.

7 Clay mask against blackheads

To make this purifying face mask simply take a tablespoon of white clay and add enough water to make a smooth emulsion for spreading. Spread the mask evenly on the face (except for the eye area) and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water to remove any clay residue. Repeat this treatment two to three times a month.

8 Lotion based on lemon and honey

Lemon has astringent and disinfectant properties, while honey will act as an emollient and protective. Take a teaspoon of honey and dissolve it in half a glass of warm water. Finally, add a few drops of lemon juice and mix everything together. Rub your face with a cotton pad soaked in this purifying lotion. This remedy against blackheads can be done once a week.

9 Daily use of facial tonic

Daily use of the facial tonic, immediately after the cleansing milk, is a practice to follow if you want to have clean skin for a long time; in fact, the cleansing milk opens the pores by removing impurities, while the tonic has an astringent function. With the use of the tonic you will complete the daily facial cleansing, avoiding the formation of blackheads.

10 Use of cosmetic products suitable for the type of skin.

It seems trivial, but many people have skin problems and skin. pimples is because they do not use the right products for your skin type. For example, if you use products based on heavy vegetable oils or butters on combination skin, you will most likely clog pores creating the problem of blackheads. Therefore, we advise you to consult your trusted herbalist to choose the most suitable cosmetic product for your skin type, depending on the type of formulation.

How to prevent blackheads

Natural remedies against blackheads help us to solve the problem, but it is just as important to avoid this imperfection with some tips and tricks.

First remember to cleanse the skin daily of impurities, delicately, respecting the pH and avoiding overly aggressive products. We advise you to use a cleansing milk or natural lotion based on natural surfactants in the morning and evening, then apply a delicate, alcohol-free facial toner to tighten pores and finally, apply a natural facial cream, suitable for your skin type.

It is also important not to crush blackheads! This is a very common practice, but it usually causes much more damage to the skin because crushing blackheads can create an overgrowth of bacteria, especially if you don't have clean hands or skin and if you don't do it correctly. In addition, a blackhead, if there is no pore, can become inflamed, creating pustules, pimples or local inflammation.

Finally, we remind you not to use too many degreasing products. As mentioned, in fact, using aggressive degreasing cosmetic products will worsen the problem because it will create an imbalance in the pH of the skin with consequent irritation of the skin and an increase in sebaceous secretions.

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