Dandelion: the medicinal herb with a thousand benefits

Dandelion or dandelion is excellent diuretic and detox remedy all natural, ideal for detoxifying the body, perhaps in the season changes when you feel the need most. It has many beneficial properties, but at the top of the list of benefits is certainly its own purifying action, excellent for countering the cellulitis.

In fact, due to its medicinal properties, this plant is used a lot in phytotherapy. The active ingredients of dandelion are mainly concentrated in the leaves and roots, but they are its flowers are also edible. They can be used for prepare herbal teas or of the infusions. Instead, the leaves can also be used in cooking, as an ingredient to prepare many recipes.

What is dandelion and where does it come from?

The dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a plant herbaceous and perennial, belonging to the family of Asteracee, particularly widespread in almost all countries of the world with temperate weather.

The word 'officinale' indicates the medicinal virtues dandelion, already known in ancient times and always exploited through the use of its roots and his leaves.

It is a plant that grows mainly in meadows, in a way wild, and easily adapts to different temperatures and conditions, so much so that in gardening it is considered a weed .

It is also known with other names more common, such as dandelion, dandelion or wild chicory. It is easily recognized by its flowers intense yellow color, which then give way to soft and feathery globes, called precisely shower heads.

La popular legend he wants that, blowing on the feathery tuft to disperse the tips in the wind, it should express itself a wish. If you manage to blow off the entire tuft in one go, then the wish will come true or we will have one anyway positive period in front of us.

The dandelion blooms from spring, up to almost the entire autumn period.

Dandelion: the medicinal herb with a thousand benefits

Properties and benefits of dandelion

The dandelion contains water, sugars and carotenoids, plant pigments that act as antioxidants. Among its components also triterpene alcohols (tarasserol), sterols and bitter principles such as tarassicin.

Finally, the dandelion is rich in phytosterols, compounds that fight cholesterol, as well as mineral salts such as sodium, potassium and phosphorus e Vitamins, such as those of group B, A, C and E.

All of these nutrients make dandelion a very beneficial plant for different functions of your body.

Dandelion is a detoxifier

I bitter principles contained in the roots and leaves of dandelions (such as dandelion and tarassacina), are very useful to support the work of liver, fundamental organ for the detoxication of your body.

Not only that: the dandelion also helps to support the work of the kidneys and gallbladder, other organs used for the transformation of toxins into waste to be eliminated.

Thus, by stimulating liver, biliary and kidney function, dandelion gives an extra boost to purification of the organism.

Digestive and laxative

The dandelion acts on the muscles of thedigestive system, stimulating secretions such as saliva and gastric and intestinal juices.

This is why this plant is considered digestive, as well as having a natural laxative effect, which helps you fight constipation.

Strengthens the immune system

This plant helps your immune system in defense responses to external attacks.

In fact, dandelion stimulates the synthesis of nitric oxide, a substance involved in the processes of regulation and defense of the immune system, in particular of the lymphatic system.

Dandelion to fight cholesterol

Thanks to the content of phytosterols and fibers, it helps the biliary elimination of excess cholesterol, reducing its absorption.

In addition, by helping the liver to eliminate excess fat, it also has a preventive function for the formation of gallstones.

Anti cellulite

THEdiuretic action of dandelion is excellent thanks to the content of potassium and flavonoids, which stimulate diuresis and the elimination of excess fluids.

For this reason, its intake is recommended in cases of hypertension, but also water retention and cellulite.

For its excellent draining action, it is also helpful in treating mild infections of the life urinary.

Dandelion: the medicinal herb with a thousand benefits

The dandelion in phytotherapy

It can be used as a herbal remedy, to prepare decoctions or infusions or in the form of tablets or mother tincture.


To prepare an excellent decoction of dandelion, pour about 200 ml of water and a tablespoon of roots of dandelion. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, then turn off and leave to infuse for 10 minutes (stirring occasionally). Then filter the decoction well and drink it every morning and every night before going to sleep, for an excellent detoxifying effect.

It can be taken as a herbal remedy, in the form of compress or tincture.

How to take dandelion: tablets and mother tincture

Le compress they are quite concentrated, so it is usually recommended to take some 1 or 2 per day, always away from meals. However, we recommend that you always ask for the opinion to your herbalist of trust, to have precise indications on the intake of this medicinal herb, because i dosages of the tablets vary depending on the product.

for tincture, generally recommended from 30 to 50 drops, to be taken twice a day, in a little water and away from main meals, for a period of about two months. After appropriate pause, it is possible to repeat the treatment. Again, it is always better to talk to your trusted herbalist.

Both the tincture and the tablets have equivalent results, so you can choose one or the other option according to the convenience of hiring.

Contraindications of dandelion

The dandelion is to be avoided absolutely if you are allergic to plants of the Asteraceae family.

Furthermore, it can create a situation of gastric hyperacidity, so its intake is less recommended if you suffer from gastritis or ulcers. Due to the potassium content, it may not be suitable for those suffering from kidney or heart failure.

Its consumption is to be avoided pregnant or breastfeeding and also in the case of drug therapy, in particular with i NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), due to possible side effects.

Dandelion: the medicinal herb with a thousand benefits

Dandelion in the kitchen

Dandelion has a slightly spicy flavor, which makes it an interesting ingredient in cooking as well.

Its leaves can be used, for example, for season vegetables raw or cooked or even to give a particular taste to omelettes, quiches, soups and velvets o stuffed for ravioli or tortelli.

Wanting to eat the dandelion alone, the ideal choice is a nice salad prepared with his own leaves: make it richer by adding a hard-boiled egg, parmesan or other vegetables such as carrots or tomatoes. The leaves can also be to boil and then consume with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice.

A more delicious choice is that of paste the leaves and then fry them until they become crispy: as you know, however, frying is a cooking method that should be used in moderation, because it is less healthy and more caloric.

The article was written in collaboration with the herbalist Alessia Onorati area of  Small Herbalist


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