Pimples on the back: products and natural remedies to remove them

Pimples on the back: products and natural remedies to remove them

Pimples on the back are an annoying blemish that can appear for various reasons. It is possible to intervene with natural remedies to eliminate pimples on the back and regain a smooth, healthy and flawless skin.

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  • Blackheads on the back: natural products and remedies
  • How to prevent pimples on the back

Pimples on the back can be caused by several factors. Generally, the appearance of acne is due to an increase in sebum production by the sebaceous glands; excess sebum can clog the hair follicles and cause pimples to form. This condition can occur during particular periods of life such as adolescence, pregnancy or, in predisposed subjects, even in high-stress situations.

Pimples on the back tend to increase due to sweating that is produced in greater quantities, but also due to exposure to the sun and chlorine in the swimming pool or more frequent showers with overly aggressive detergents.

Why are pimples on the back more common in young people?

Acne is a very common skin disease in adolescence and young adults, but sometimes it can also occur in older people. There appearance of pimples and other blemishes mainly affects the face, but it is not uncommon for the back to be affected as well. Therefore, pimples and blackheads found on the back are often a manifestation of acne.

Acne is most common in adolescence and tends to disappear with increasing age because the transition from puberty to adulthood correlates with an increase in the secretion of sex hormones which, in turn, determines an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. With increasing age, hormone secretion tends to stabilize, sebum production decreases and the predisposition to skin inflammation also decreases; in short, as the years go by we witness a progressive reduction in the underlying causes of acne.

In addition to a genetic predisposition and hormonal imbalances typical of adolescence, there are behaviors and habits also related to the beauty routine that can promote the appearance of pimples and other imperfections. but there are gods natural remedies that can be of great help to eliminate pimples on the back: let's see what they are.

Pimples on the back: products and natural remedies

Nature offers us several remedies to get rid of pimples on the back and find a smooth skin free of impurities.

✓ Aloe gel and essential oils against blackheads.

After showering or bathing, to moisturize the skin we can use Aloe vera gel, soothing and purifying, excellent to apply to the skin even during the hot months because it does not grease and does not weigh down. Avoid instead vegetable oils and too greasy butters and creams.

To increase the purifying effect of aloe gel, we can add a few drops of antibacterial and astringent essential oil. Among the most effective essential oils for treating pimples on the back are tea tree essential oil, lavender essential oil, basil essential oil, eucalyptus and essential oils extracted from citrus peel. Apply on the clean skin of the back a knob of aloe gel to which you will have added three or four drops of essential oil of your choice among those indicated.

To get rid of pimples on the back quickly we advise you to try tea tree oil, whose effect is quite fast and probably after a few applications you will see results. Evenlemon peel juice (rich in essential oils) is an excellent remedy to apply directly on the skin to get rid of pimples and boils.

✓ Tips for cleaning the skin.

To clean the skin of the back affected by pimples and boils, in the shower it is advisable to use a mild neutral detergent based on vegetable surfactants, or Marseille soap, preferably self-made.

Overly aggressive surfactants should be avoided as excessive cleansing action can eliminate the skin's natural protective barrier, making the epidermis more exposed to the harmful action of some bacteria, thus facilitating the appearance of pimples.

Also avoid rubbing the skin too hard with the shower in the shower. horsehair glove or with too aggressive brushes because the risk is to worsen the state of inflammation.

✓ An extra help: purifying hydrolats.

An extra help comes from hydrolats and decoctions obtained from depurative, astringent and soothing plants: this is the case of chamomile water, sage infusion or onion bulb decoction. Hydrolats and decoctions can be used to gently cleanse the skin, purifying it without interfering with its natural protection.

Preventing pimples on the back: good and bad habits

Faced with the problem of acne on the back, there are some actions that can be taken and others that should be avoided to improve the situation of pimples. So let's see what are those habits that help not to favor the appearance of the annoying pimples on the back there are:

1 Don't squeeze the pimples on your back.

Don't squeeze or squeeze the pimples behind your back in an attempt to get rid of them. This practice is counterproductive because it further irritates the cute and promotes the spread of bacteria to other areas of the back as well. However, it may happen that they break on their own due to rubbing between the skin and clothing, chairs or car seats: in this case, apply lemon juice or tea tree oil with a cotton swab for a disinfectant action and prevent the formation. of scars and stains.

2 salt water bath

Once a week, to combat pimples on the back, you can make a salt water bath, adding half a kilo of coarse salt to the bath water. It is necessary to remain immersed for at least twenty minutes, then rinse and dry by gently patting the skin.

3 Adequate sun protection

During the summer, avoid exposing your skin to the sun without adequate sun protection. The beneficial effect of the sun on back pimples is only temporary and after a few days you will see the situation worsen because the sun dehydrates the skin and worsens the inflammation.

4 Be careful with fabric softener

Another tip is to replace fabric soft ener with a solution of citric acid in water, to be used for bed linen and for clothes that remain in contact with the skin of the back that has pimples.

5 Wear appropriate clothing

To counteract pimples on the back, it is good not to wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics that do not allow the skin to "breathe" and promote sweating. Instead, prefer clothes made of cotton or other natural breathable materials.

6 Pay attention to the power supply

Also'supply plays a very important role in the fight against acne. For example, eating too many fried foods, industrial sweets and, in general, very fatty and difficult to digest foods can promote the appearance of pimples on the back. It is also a good idea to limit alcohol consumption. To learn more, read: Diet and acne: what to eat and what to avoid with pimples?

7 Avoid irritating treatments

If you suffer from acne on your back better not to resort to masks, scrubs and exfoliants as these treatments run the risk of further irritating the skin and worsen the situation.

8 Use a horsehair glove

In the shower, use a horsehair glove. This habit helps keep your skin free of pimples and blackheads. However, as we have seen above, you should not overdo it, so as not to irritate the skin. Also, the horsehair glove should always be kept very clean, to eliminate any germs or bacteria that may lurk inside.

9 Keep your skin clean

To prevent the appearance of pimples on your back, it is good to keep your skin clean by showering frequently. Above all, it is essential to wash well after sweating a lot, for example after practicing a sporting activity. The most suitable detergent depends on the specific case, so it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

We also remind you that there are other natural remedies and methods to prevent or eliminate pimples. If you want to know more, we invite you to read: Pimples: the most effective natural remedies to get rid of them. Finally, we remind you that in case of acne problems it is necessary to contact a dermatologist who, after having carefully evaluated the situation, will make the diagnosis and establish an appropriate therapy.

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