Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

Stop at cellulitis with the anti-cellulite massage. Seeing her disappear would be your biggest dream, yet you need to know that just a good one isn't enough the perfect to defeat it. It is also important to know how to apply it.

OnlyBelleza offers you 5 simple gestures for a massage do-it-yourself anti-cellulite to put into practice immediately: it only takes a few minutes, a little patience and you will immediately see your skin improve in shape and texture. With the help of the anti-cellulite cup, then, you can really say goodbye to orange peel skin. Seeing is believing!

Anti-cellulite massage: the benefits for legs and buttocks

A good massage activates the blood circulation and lymphatic, improves cellular exchanges and facilitates the elimination of toxins.

In addition, it is important to perform it regularly, at least once a day, for about ten minutes and preferably after a shower or bath, on dry skin.

To start, put a small amount of product in the palm of your hands and massage it into your legs, thighs, inner thigh and buttocks.

Remember that the cream anti cellulite it must always be applied on:

  • Legs: carrying out circular movements clockwise and from bottom to top; always start from the outside of the thigh inwards, then work your way up to the hips and up to the belly
  • Basin: massaging as if to draw large circles with the palm of the hand wide open and 'flat'.

Anti-cellulite massage: 5 effective techniques to dispose of fat

1- Touching technique

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

Glide your fingers over the skin with light strokes, from bottom to top and with circular movements. Repeat the massage with the palm of your hand, still gently touching the skin.

  • What is: to prepare the skin.

2 - Kneading technique

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

Pinch the skin with your thumb and two fingers on each hand, then rotate it with your thumbs in a kneading motion.

  • What is: to improve cellular exchanges and ad activate microcirculation.

3 - Anti-cellulite massage: iron technique

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

Place your hands flat, thumbs apart, on your thighs and buttocks. Grab the skin between the fingers of your right and left hands and twist by directing the skin in opposite directions.

  • What is: to relax the muscle mass ea restore elasticity to the skin.

4 - Anti-cellulite massage: deep friction technique

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

With your fingers, apply pressure on the areas to be massaged with circular movements in a clockwise direction. Gestures must be performed perpendicular to the muscles.

  • What is: to improve blood circulation and promote tissue oxygenation.

5 - Anti-cellulite massage: tapping technique

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

With your hands clenched into fists, apply light but steady and firm strokes. He remembers that a good massage shouldn't leave bruises on the skin. Avoid the inner thigh.

  • What is: to reactivate blood circulation.

The anti-cellulite massage with the anti-cellulite cup

We always remain in the DIY field; this time, however, we do it with the help of a single tool, which greatly amplifies the action of the massage. We are obviously talking about the anti-cellulite cup, concrete help that even comes from traditional Chinese medicine.

Help that, today, we can successfully translate from medicine to beauty, thanks above all to the high quality standards of materials and experimentation we have achieved. And so a "simple" cup in hypoallergenic medical silicone, as in the case of the product Slimcup, leader in the sector in Spain and the only one certified as a medical-aesthetic device, it can really drain skin fluids, reactivate circulation and oxygenate the tissues. Simply put, fight the cellulitis. More effectively than just using your hands, however wise they may be.

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat SlimCUP: the ORIGINAL Anticellulite Cup -...
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22,90 EUR

Provided, however, that you know how to use it. Here then correct techniques, phases and methods for a profitable and beneficial anti-cellulite massage with the anti-cellulite cup. The indications are focused on the legs and buttocks, but, of course, they can also be followed if you want to perform a treatment on other areas affected by orange peel skin, such as belly, arms and hips.

1 - Lubricates the area to be treated and regulates the intensity of the cup

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

The first step is certainly to prepare the areas affected by the anti-cellulite massage, lubricating them with a suitable lotion. This step is important to optimize the action of the massage itself. In this sense, it is fundamental also become familiar with the anti-cellulite cup, adjusting its intensity and starting, at least for the first few applications, with a slight pressure.

2 - Place the cup on the skin

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

After becoming familiar with the product, it is time to apply it on the epidermis. It seems like an obvious step but it is not: choose the area to be treated with your massage and, maintaining the desired pressure on the cup with your fingers, place it on the skin, without pushing excessively. In this way, the anti-cellulite cup will adhere better to the chosen area.

3 - Leave the cup

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

Another necessary and not always intuitive step for the success of the treatment is that of let the cup adhere best to the skin without immediately dragging it to other areas. In fact, after having pressed and placed the instrument, the pressure made with the fingers must be interrupted for a few seconds, before proceeding with the massage.

4 - Swipe on the affected area

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

Only after letting the cup create the vacuum can you continue with the massage. Then gently pick up the product with your fingers and slide it along the affected area (legs, buttocks, arms, belly etc etc). You can make linear, circular or zigzag movements. At this juncture, avoid forcefully pushing, squeezing or dragging the cup: not only will you make the massage in vain but you could even cause discomfort and rashes.

5 - Remove the cup

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

The last step is the easiest and concerns the final step of the massage. After sliding the anti-cellulite cup all over the affected area, detach it with a sure movement perpendicular to the epidermis (upwards, regarding our illustrated example). Obviously from the base of the cup and not from the top.

These guidelines can be carried out regardless of the area of ​​use, adjusting intensity and movements according to the affected area and personal sensitivity.

A practical example: the anti-cellulite cup massage on the belly

As already mentioned, the anti-cellulite massage can be performed on any area of ​​the body affected by orange peel skin. Whether you want to proceed with your hands and, even more so, if you choose to use the anti-cellulite cup.

Legs and buttocks the areas where cellulite peaks are most visible (and felt) certainly remain. But it is not uncommon to have to deal with the arms, especially in the triceps area, the lower legs, such as calves and ankle, i hips and all the morphology ofabdomen.

Just the belly it can represent a part of the body particularly affected by excess adipose tissue and cellulite. Let's see together how to use the anti-cellulite cup effectively and safely in this area. It takes 2 minutes!

Linear method, from bottom to top

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

A simple and intuitive method is the linear one, which can be performed on all areas of the abdomen. In this case, apply the cup, always with one hand, starting from the bottom and scrolling up. Help yourself with the other hand to stretch the skin better and optimize the result.

Circular, spiral method

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: the most effective techniques to dispose of fat

With the anti-cellulite cup you can also perform a "spiral" movement, always from bottom to top. To make it effective, apply the cup in a central area of ​​your belly and perform an increasingly wider circular trajectory. However, help yourself with the unoccupied hand to stretch the epidermis.

Anti-cellulite massage: the more tips from OnlyBelleza

The DIY anti-cellulite message, if performed with the right method, is always effective to fight orange peel skin. To maximize the benefits, however, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. In particular, you should always follow some "feel good" tips that also help you in the fight against cellulite.

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It is essential to help your body dispose of excess fluids: even before cellulite, the water retention is your real enemy.
  • Get moving and Do you practice any sport: a sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of cellulite. If you don't have time, walk or take a few minutes a day to do some simple exercises around the house.
  • Eat healthy, avoid fatty and fried foods and - needless to say - stick with it dieta OnlyBelleza, which is based on the precious dictates of the Mediterranean diet.

Learn more about this topic

  • How to fight cellulite: diet, sports, natural remedies and treatments
  • Anti-cellulite cup: what it is, how to use it and how effective it is
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  • The anti-cellulite diet to combat orange peel
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